If you want to stop raider io

…and therein lies the problem, which you keep failing to grasp. Again, because you just don’t get it It forces players to do content they don’t want to, in order to meet some arbitrary approval rating to get at the content that they do. You’re right in that I don’t care about my score, because I don’t see why I should have to run 9 other dungeons just to do the three that have loot in their tables that I want.

You and your ilk think it’s perfectly acceptable to force players into spending their time in activities they have no interest in, in order to satisfy the dictates of a 3rd party addon and the way in which the majority of players use it. I don’t blame the addon itself mostly, even though - as I’ve pointed out, I think that is flawed in the way it only returns high numbers if you do every Mythic+ in the game - I blame the way certain players are using it to gatekeep.

It’s a crutch for those devoid of the capacity of critical independent thinking. I’d rather we DID go back to folks just hitting up the Armory. At least that way if I apply for a +13 run in Waycrest for instance, the group leader will see if I’ve done that dungeon a few times at or about that key level and beat the timer, not just looking at an addon and going, “LOLBRAH U R LESS THAN 3K RIO U SUCK GIT GUD”.

I’ll agree to disagree. Let’s leave it at that.

They’d only see your top run on the armory. Not how many times you’ve done it.

The irony is that you don’t understand that the removal of raider io would not change anything. People would look you up and see that you had done one dungeon. But by all means blame everything on an addon that does nothing more than reflect your experience. It would actually make it harder and even worse for you to have raider io removed.


How disrepectful are you talking to a lady like that you should be ashamed of yourself ,you are a vile disgusting human being that servers no purpose on this forum apart from baiting and flaming others .
You repulse me with your acidic vocabulary .


14 likes for this complete and utter nonsence is the example why these forums cant be taken seriously


There is no forcing anyway. You can join (M+) communities that dont use rio at all and just sign for the keys you want. We just advertised this afternoon in failtrain-discord for running everyones key no matter the level and we upgraded a key from 11 to 15 for that player. Nobody ever looked at rio. We have run this week ourselves up to +21 and took ‘randoms’ till a +17 ML (his key).

Rio is nonsense when you are trying to be a bit more social and be part of communities and/or a guild.


The soy is strong with this one.

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And you have been reported for flaming 2 women you are nothing more than a ignorant person .

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This thing doesn’t deserve being called a “person”.

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Rio… oh … rio… no one wants a potato… :sob:

no 1 understant use potato no 1 want potato

Lets be truthful here you only want the timer removed as you are bad and cant meet the time requirements.

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Why do you care so much about content you don’t want to do? It’s like watching those people that don’t min max or multispec talk about how it shouldn’t be allowed because they don’t do it. There is also the anti-pet battle crowd. People who don’t push keys, don’t raid mythic want to dictate how it should be played and half the time blizzard listens. People who do keys like rio, wouldn’t mind it improved but cannot live without it. Without it it would be impossible to time a 15 because a lot of people just want their 475 loot and care about nothing else, while doing 30k dps. Compose a group of 5 such doods and let’s see how long you can keep your sanity. And for what reason? Just to give people feel good items they can’t optimize? I don’t mind that, but not at my expense.

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Why on earth would you want to stop io? It’s pretty much the only tool we have to filter out people who aren’t up to par at m+.

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The timer is there for at reason. You can finish the key if you want to and take multible hours doing so, but people who don’t want to do that need to have a way out of a group like that with minimal chance of being called a bunch of nasty names by other players.

It seems like you just want a safe space where no one is judging you on your performance, which is fine. But games are competitive for a reason. Without it many lose interest in playing the games. Play as you like and let others worry about timers, key levels and gear.

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new peoples who wants to try out M+ will never get in becourse they have no IO points ? IO points all what mathers so you will never get in.

This is why it has to go.

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Everyone starts at 0 you just have to work out at thats all .

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Just make your own groups until your have a decent IO score…

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i am focused rigth now farming Roleplay IO score have to go Venthyr in Shadowlands to make it even more easyer to farm that RP IO score.

Though i agree on some part what you said, your remark about logs is what makes me puke… people like you are the worst kind.

Could possibly say some other things regarding your behaviour but that could net me a ban.
For you i wish the very worst in life you could possibly get.