If you want to stop raider io

Except we had warcraft logs, and later also raiderio. And a resto shaman you also didnt get invited as not being a pala or druid.

Well i play on a RP server all they care about is my RP IO score . :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, i want the decathlete.
I want someone with a wide experience as possible, capable to handle himself in all situation, regardless of what happen.
I want the decathlete because he will know what to do more than the guy who run freehold 20 each week and knows it only by pure memory.
I want the decathlete because very very likely, he got his points by running all dungeons in different weeks with different affixes, rather than the guy who farmed once in the easy week.

#actual logic

Remove rio and then what? People will simply use the "next best tool " they can find. Be it armory or logs or just plain “inspect at bank and whisper me achievement X”. How hard it is to understand for these rio-haters that removing the addon. Nothing will fundamentally change. If I offer my key to the pug “market” then I will be damn sure the people I invite have at least some proof about their experience.

I am not sure who can actually believe that removing rio will make me invite based on "who has the prettiest transmog or character name?’ :rofl:

Aside from everything you said, and on all of it i do agree.

I cant understand how people expect M+ to be any fun or neat content to play if the timer gets removed.

Overall, rio will someday perish and get “blocked” by Blizzard.
Gearscore showed us a sort of ilvl back in Wotlk and a few months later we had ilvl showing on armory / character info and the likes.

Ever since Legion, the m+ ui and armory had updates to better showcase your M+ achievements.

I wouldnt be surprised if there will be a blizzard like rio addition to lfg / your ingame M+ ui.
Albeit it not as amazing as rio but for sure i feel Blizzard is working on something.

Edit: and if the timer gets removed, we will rank the highest runs based on their time required to complete and there would be a competition to beat this ever changing time. Introducing an artificial timer in the process.

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We are what… 7 months into the season? All 12 dungeons in 7 months, who has the time, right?

I also only did Eye of ashara m+ in Legion… I was bad and managed to learn that one to a degree… Players that only do certain dungeons have low score for a reason. If you are decent, dont even need to be good, you should be able to smash all the +15s like nothing. Which would get you 2k Rio, which is decent at best.

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Thanks, I love you too <3

i seen peoples with 2k score their highest key has been m+ 10s man if i wod find a pug 15 party i wod had all my 50 chacthers ilvl 480 in notime .

You won’t get 2k score from having done all on 10.

does it not add 2k poits to ur total score for ea 15 u do so if u do 15s 5x a week u have 10k points ?

Nobody has 10k points.

does it work as total poits or is it like working like ranked ?

For someone who has a lot to say about this topic, you’re remarkably uninformed, even by the low standards of these boards.


they need to add a PVP IO score aswell

It’s called arena rating. :man_facepalming:


arena rateing works only in arenas it does not show world pvp or BGs. Even K/D rating missing

Lmao, world pvp. Yeah, because who cares what you do in world pvp? I can kill people by accident when I’m doing my dailies as tank wearing twilight dev if they’re standing in the procs.

yeah itis like in Call of duty best way to show how good u are is tru K/D rateing same goes in HOS and OW …

Stahp please. I can feel my IQ dropping.


There is no honor cap in classic.