If you want to stop raider io

There was no cap.

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So where to starts …

Raider.io can only take information on the character only given by the website of World of Warcraft. Anything able to be seen on the Armory can be collected via API.
An API is a request of information to a server and getting back information.
So what the point of making API ?
Well today we got all the technology to scan website to get data, the point is if we let other technology the programms gonna load a lot of link in the armory that gonna take more to the server than giving the API.
Also API is great for many use : Raider.io , Creating your own app application, Check-pvp.com or even you can use for statistic like imagine a graphism of when you beat your CR in arena / M+ timed above and you can then see at which moment you start to time key better if it’s because of gear or because you reached above +15 key etc.

API is then only use for stats, and for developper tool.
Here is the link what developpers can request of API to Blizzard :

Remember that if there were no API, people will get even more mean to you since they will check on armory and check other thing that just dungeon timed ( they will check your specialisation , gear and even get a look on your achievement or your Arena rating for M+).

About the privacy of data, when you connect in wow and you inspect someone gear, does it violate the rule ?
Because instead we can just wait the player connect and then inspect him. The armory on website make just life easier.

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Dude, your post broke the forum.

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have to farm my Roleplay IO score to 10.000+ :stuck_out_tongue:

No. You get only 1 score per dungeon. A +10 timed is ~100 points, so having all dungeons done on +10 in time = 1200 points, since there are 12 dungeons. You can run over and over again on the same level, but you do not get scores out of it. A +15 is ~165 points.

Ah okey that makes sence i have not understud how it realy works. but now i do.

You can not stop thingg like Raider Io.Back in the day of Wotlk it was gearscore for example.Blizzard would never block API from being accessible by 3rd party members, you see every website that tracks something in game be it arena,m+,mount collections etc is kinda like free advertisement for blizzard.

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This is post is really funny.In 2020 and there is still people who want to remove t raider. io from the game (best raid and dungeon addon ever created ) .:man_facepalming:


Rairer io only bring discrimination to community, people asking score for trivial stuff… and due weight of discrimination people started to buy boosts like they buy bread in store, and with army of boosted people rio number become IRELEVANT. It need to go…



I am happy to feel the same

Judging to your picture you are rio fan…

Now smartie explain us how rio number is relevant any more? In world where boosting become serious buissniess, people boost to earn their living, boosting services work 24 hours per day, chats are infested with advertise, do you think those guys will advertise if they have no clients? There is tons of clients, the army of boosted people, the army of people who buyed their score. and what you gonna do in the end of day? Waste my time with checking me, demanding my stool sample to invite me in group, telling me that im incapable to do m15, and invite one boosted guy from sea of boosted people? Thats exactly what you guys doing each day… rio bring only discrimination and number is irelevant.

And its as intended. Moreover a good thing.
Wouldn’t you want your doctor to have a medical degree and experience?
Cause if we don’t discriminate unqualified people we might face a dire consequences.
You can watch some crash course philosophy to understand better why sometimes discrimination is a good thing


I’m not going to check you for anything lol. See? You made up problem.

First, not everyone using rio is toxic. If you think that - you just label people.
Second, of course rio isn’t 100% relevant information, people play op specs with stacked corruptions allowing them to ignore some mechanics or zerg through packs, but still it increases A CHANCE to get decent player.
Third, I don’t know you, you don’t know me, I don’t know anything about your skill, what’s your experience, how you deal with mechanics, when you pop cooldowns, whether you use defensives or offheals… nothing. You DEMAND from me to accept you cause you say so. NO. You’re not my friend and don’t have to invite you EVEN if you had 6k score.
Forth, pls tell me how YOU choose people for M+.


I agree the problem is players who are over geared and feel that they can take on higher Mythic Keys and cause the group to wipe and then leave, wasting the key. Raider io is used to root out serious raiders from the not so serious ones.

It is not perfect, as you have people who have high scores being boosted but those players usually do not jump in groups and you can spot those right away. To those complaining about raider io, try doing lower keys first, either with friends or your guild.

Learn the dungeon layouts and mechanics and practice then try a higher key or 2.

It doesn’t.
Unless you spend millions, your boosted score ends to having a high number on very low runs, pretty much a boosted indicator.

The only discrimination it brings is divide the playerbase between who knows how to use it, and who doesn’t.

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The main issue is that raider io paired with this boost community is only encouraging RMT gold buying/selling, the way people see it, why buy from blizzards wow tokens when you can get 10x more gold from elsewhere because of them not dealing with bots and multiboxers harshly.

Blizzard needs to start designing the content to prevent multiple accounts from gaining an unfair advantage and the start will be reverting the changes to gathering nodes as well as removing the timers and downgrades from M+ until you hit the actual challenge section of it at 16+.

By making content like this they are essentially disrespecting the community and the effort they put into the game as individuals, this is why overall raider io is not a good thing, not because of its direct and intended use but because of the indirect impact it is having on the game and it’s unintended uses. Furthermore, it gives people access to information that would otherwise be inaccessable through normal means such as a full dungeon history, in terms of api abuse, this particular website is among the top ones to be abusing it for negative purposes to the game.

nah. rmt works only on single scenario like the raid.
average m+ price is around 150k for a +15, it’s close to 2mil gold for that only, and that is a low level.
to get 3k, it’s an absurd price, especially in europe where token are much more expensive.

the amount of people that can and will spend 300-400 euros for a score that gets obliterated the next season, it’s very very very very tiny.

I feel sorry for those people… I mean, what kind of achievement is being boosted for money? xDD Even worse, for REAL money. These people have to have so low ego, there’s no other possibility.

So what is the problem with Raider IO?

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