If you want to stop raider io

perhaps you should watch this:

the GOAL of m+ is to beat the timer. just killing the bosses doesnt mean you beat it.

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People want to play competitive content but they don’t want to be competitive :rofl:


m+ isnt competitive, unless you go for world’s fastest. m+ is to give a player another challenge.

The content isn’t actually challenging though. The challenging part is finding people who won’t just stand in stuff and then blame the healer etc.

Then finding people who can outdamage the tank is quite a bother at times as well.

I have to ask you something, how do you do 1st boss on Freehold on high key?

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With ranged dps. You can stand further than the ability can reach you.

That’s not complete answer :smiley:

You can line of sight the shot using the stuff around the boss arena if you’re melee, and just outrange it as range.

I was actually asking Elahri to check whether he knows about details like outranging/losing shots and baiting parrot’s aoe by moving to his shadow after charge :stuck_out_tongue: since he claims dungeons are easy

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How is that relevant to the tank taking another deadeye shot or standing in cross ignition?

Now why would I do that? I’m a holy paladin. I won’t be standing on range. That’s for ranged dps to handle.

I didn’t reply to this.

Cherry picking reply and failing to answer :slight_smile: As melee you can los shots and at high keys it will one shot you. Shots are either los’d or outranged, ranged’s job is to bait parrot’s aoe.

So as I thought, big mouth.

No, it’s you being illogical. Why would I be on range as a holy paladin?

I do. I won’t take a full melee group if I get to decide.

No one said you should be :slight_smile:

Yet you’re asking me, a holy paladin, if I know how to outrange it, when it’s irrelevant to me, because I’m in melee.

Looks like it’s too hard for you. Dungeons are so easy yet you don’t know first thing about them eh…

You’re asking about something illogical. Why would I outrange it, when I’m a holy paladin?

Is this hunter you in my pugs when I tank?

Boss casts aoe at random person dealing very high damage, at high keys it one shots even through versa stacked ppl and it’s hard to predict who’s gonna take it, so you either have to outrange it (as ranged) or los it (melee) or roll the dice and use defensive cooldown. You didn’t know that detail, so you can’t say dungeons are easy, because of course, on low/medium keys all you have to do is zerg through packs/bosses, but at higher keys that’s no longer an option.

I guess this hunter talks about UR second boss - for me it doesn’t matter, if anyone knows where to go to smash leeches then it’s fine.

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No, he’s talking about galvazzt. We wiped because they didn’t soak and they tried to blame me tanking him in the corner for the wipe.

Yeah, I did. Just because I find your question illogical doesn’t mean I don’t know it.

Mythic plus isn’t actually difficult in terms of mechanics.

It’s the people who make it difficult.

(Tank doesn’t know where to go in WM, lmfao)

(Tank ended up leaving due to that hunter)

(Another hunter pulling and not letting the tank pull, on a bolstering week, so we wiped. Same hunter who ran over me when I got miniaturized.)

(Shaman being all whiny because I outdamage him as the healer)

(Guy just going AFK)

(It’s the people who can’t even outdamage a tank)

(It’s the tanks who doesn’t even know the affixes, they just watched some MDI stuff and think they’ll replicate it and then wipe the group. This guy is 3.2k rio. Most of his highest timed keys is bursting + volcanic.)

I also watched some really high rio monk start raging on a twitch stream because he didn’t know how to remove the barrel in freehold. Basic knowledge that I learned in first week of normal mythics.

TL;DR: Mythic plus isn’t mechanically difficult. The difficult part is finding people who aren’t pretty much on cruise control or worse.


Yes the turborandoms in ur sub 19s where people can just outgear mechanics are bad at the game.

Just like 99% of wow players are complete trash, this isn’t anything new :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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