Im gonna be honest and tell you

still kind funny how complain keep coming :rofl:

LM has tactical advantage, because you can SEE to almost every base easily and immediately. You will be aware of everything that’s going on. A short jump with glider to any other base, except GM (and sometimes you can glide nicely almost all the way to GM, too).

What tactical advantage does GM have? You can … er… visually… hmm. no.

GM is the most disadvantageous base in AB, so if horde is to have SOME base, let them have that, let the insects enjoy their nest.

The civilized people should aim high and towards the sky, which is the only limit! Their majestic and epic nobility can shimmer like a beacon of hope when they lift their beautiful faces to observe the world.

Horde can dwell in the dark mud pit of GM, disgusted by their own filth, just shutting themselves from the world, becoming oblivious to whats going on.

GM is the same winrate for us alliance as LM is for horde. I probably can count on one hand the times we actually managed to CAP LM…

So even tho its tactical superior to GM, at least we can cap GM…

LM is the clash @start in AB and most of the times, from my experience, Hordes come out as the cappers. Leaving them with 3 bases, and the tactical advantage LM gives.

Now how many times should we bash our heads into the wall before we try something new? Im just asking, cause frankly it seems like people gonna get their head hurt faaar into the future here…

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