Im so fed up with wow right now

Sorry for the rant. just had to went some stuff.

Im so fed up! ugh… its just never enough. i got a few points here.

raid finder.
i just want to que up. do the raid to see how it looks and the story.
i dont have anyone to play with and i wont join a guild for raids cause i got my own guild for alts and bank space. and everyone and their mother is only doing eternal palace in premades…
and the raid finder. its so freeking slow. i constantly try to find raids. waiting up to 3 hours before it pops. and god forbid if you join a group for a quest while you wait… well then its over. 2-3 hours wasted in the raid finder… -.-

bank space.
Its just never enough. now i mean the bank space for reagents (mats etc).
who ever made it and made it so small. FU! why cant it be like in guild wars 2. you got a huge reagent bank space. thats shared over all your characters. so you wont have to guess what character have what.
we realy need a reagent bank space that can fit every single mats slot. so if i do cataclysm content. i can just save up what ever i pick up for later use etc.

god i hate reputaions… i worked so freeking hard for pathfinder… getting those daam reps to rev… and thinking. finally, i can fly… but no no. now i need rev for najitar and mechagon to…
i just want to play and have fun. but right now it just feels like stuff i need to do before i can have fun… i just want to make a kul tiran shaman. but no no… proudmore is not extalted yet… who ever came up with locking allied raced behind rep. FU! -.-

I feel so burned out right now…

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Then pretty much do the obvious thing anyone would do.


You can just join a guild with all characters EXCEPT your main. :slight_smile:

Reputations are exhausting, not grindy, right now. I hate them, too.

I recommend you quit and come back some time later. Keep up to date on it.

Seems like your initial problem is hording: why do you need an entire guild for storage and ‘all your alts’? Why can’t you join a guild with a couple of characters?

And what in the world do you need to store that takes so much space?

Create some lvl 20 alts, create a guild with all of them seperately, and you should have plenty of storage available.

I guess you just started playing? Because in the 3 months that Nazjatar has been available, you did not even hit revered yet it seems. Do you get burned out from doing 3 dailies already? Because then I have bad news for you…


I hate rep gating. But bfa pathfinder was fairly reasonable in my opinion.
Having it at reveared is alright, because the achievements are account wide and the only rep needed work on, were nazjatar and mechagon, but they were also really easy to do.
That said, good luck to anyone trying to do the pathfinders after the expansion’s done. God knows I given up on draenor pathfinder long ago.

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For the raid thing, can i suggest community? Try out this one, we do both normal and heroic eternal palace atm (casual chilled runs): (Alliance) Scared of Dungeons EU EN - #76


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