Imagine locks

70k bolt

out of money to buy boosts again or why you on the forums after your long break?

Old. Also you need to face locks for this to become a Problem which you don’t.

Also: one clip where an affli oneshots “LOOL IMAGINE LOCKS!!”

10 clips per day where warrior oneshots “…”


I swear warlocks have a basement they all chew the first class leftover glue bottles we melees leave them and then brigade topics.

he should trinket Fade

he had already UA + Soul Rot and lock overlapped multiple cooldowns including Dark Soul and PI from Priest

dying there was a choice by priest

Lock should lose this matchup. Both Priest and BM hunter can remove his DoTs more often than they’re dangerous.

Sounds more like your daily routine.

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I do not brigade posts.

Coming from a warlock playing with froffsy is kinda fun to say

hahaah when did i play with froffsy and alty?

empty statement :smiley:

You literally did just here. Also this thread is literally called locks and it’s comming from a warrior Main.

Melee brains these days…

im still waiting for something, because thats a pretty hefty statement :slight_smile: also why edit your post hahaha

Imagine being sub 1.8k player without boosters as warrior :slight_smile:

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