Immortal guardian druids

cmon this is a joke requires 5-6 people to kill a guardian druid



Or 1 Fire mage ;D

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So, nerf fire mages :joy:

nerf both

Not a good idea for mages to be nerfed I am already struggling to play my fire mage I get cc’ed to death literally I can’t do anything so just nerf guardian druids so it takes less people to take down one it’s simple.

Fire mage is op. My friend got 2k on seasons first days with fire.

Good for him while I can’t get a cast going and I feel like I don’t do any dmg on top of that I die really fast onec they start stunlocking me to death I’d rather play a meele class for PvP at least I will survive longer.

Or u can ask 2.8k exp mage players on lfg tool and get advice.

I’m sure he can tell me how to avoid being stunlocked to death by every meele class in the game and how not to be a squishy twig.

All 2.8k glad hota players were without any ach before. They struggled and got better day by day. U can speak with experienced mages and u can get better like them too.

You’re in your 50s, what do you expect? You’re not even maxed yet.

Mage has always been strong on arena, there is a current set up called rmp. Which is rogue , mage , priest. Its stable. All rogue or mage players want to play with rmp set up. They can get top ladders easily.

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