Install path for MRP Classic?

Greetings, Waterlords!
Can anyone help me install MRP Classic in the right folder? I thought it would have a different name than ‘retail’ MRP, but when I unzip it in Addons, I get a conflict message when it tries to install Classic MRP files in my regular MRP folder.

It said on Curseforge that the addons are seperate (one for Classic and onefor retail) , so I assume they should be in seperate folders?

What then should be the name of the Classic MRP folder, so that my Classic game can load its appropriate MRP?

What’s the folder path you are installing to right now?

Classic AddOn paths should look something like: C:\World of Warcraft\ _ classic _\Interface\AddOns.

Are you trying to install to the C:\World of Warcraft\ _ retail _ \Interface\AddOns, perchance?


Thanks! I didn’t notice Classic had its own Addon folder, but that makes very sense.

However, now that it’s in the right folder, how do I… enable it in-game? I can’t find the Addon option I know from retail…

There’s a tab in the character menu. Next to reputation and skills.

Edit: Also, there’s more options in the AddOns tab in the Interface Options from the regular system menu.

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The Addons page is not in my Interface options… Maybe a reinstall of MRP Classic might fix, now that I know the correct folder :slight_smile:

At the character select screen you need to enable it.
There’s a menu button in the lower left corner.
Likely MRP is ‘not in date’ with classic. I also actually recommend TotralRP3 - but MRP works with that too, so it’s personal prefference.

I got it now, thanks! MRP got a separate update for Classic, all good :slightly_smiling_face:
TRP3 is too big and chunky for me :slight_smile: