Instance Problem

Having problem with instance not found for couple of days now. its long loading screen then says instance not found. Even it happens when somebody summons me. is there any way I can fix this thing? thank you so much.

Hey there, this might not be the correct answer but if you have WM turned on then turn it off (or vice versa) and try to enter the area where you want to go.

I had sort of a similar issue at a stage.

idk whats wrong with it everywhere i go its a long loading screen and then instance not found. i deleted my catch folder just didnt delete any addons cz i might have to resetting it again.

Hey Zsus,

This message can indeed result from corrupted User Interface or AddOn files. If disabling the AddOns doesn’t help, try resetting your User Interface.

if i reset then do i have to resetting my addon once again ? or is there anyway i can keep my setting.