Is it still possible that 8.1.5 releases on 26/27th of February?

No I think, if it is gonna be early, it will be two weeks after. 2 weeks between LFR releases therefore logical to release that 2 weeks after imo.

In that case two weeks after I would say.

My wishful thinking would be a week after the last LFR wing release, March 6th, alas… I don’t think it’s gonna happen anytime soon. Let’s hope at least the upcoming week we get to see the background downloader.

5 weeks after the last wing of lfr opend to maximize subprofit, whenever that is

slow down with patches -.-!

im currently 1/9 Mythic, I need to progress before 8.2 comes

Another thought is: when does the dreadwake 6 month sub end?

It’s this yeah, somewhere in March.

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