Is it worth returning to WoW

I haven’t played WoW for several months now and i was wondering if it is worth giving a shot.
I mostly played high m+ and also some mythic raiding, so give me some feedback

You’re the only one who will know if it’s worth it for you. For me, it was never worth leaving.


Its not if you are a slightly empathic person/player then you can literally feel the toxicity from playing this molken cow :cow:


wait for the next patch to hit then come back.


This is it really, when it comes down to it.

Also, glad to hear you’re still enjoying the adventure Tyssera, and thanks for being with us all this time!


I will probably come back when the next expansion is out.

Oribos… No!

thats something only you can answer not others.

i play games since spectrum and tbh wow is the game i played more in my life.

(offtopic) can the guy that stole my shoulder give it back?

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I see OP has indeed returned.

Which is one more example for my observation that when people ask “Should I come back to WoW?”, what they’re really saying is “I’m, coming back to WoW. Can someone say something that will make me feel good about my decision?” :smiley:

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