Is there any way Kalel could have been redeemed?

(Now I know that this would probably not work out in gameplay only in lore but here we go) He would realise that doing all that stuff in Outland will lead to nowhere and if he truly cares about his people he should go and help his people purge the undead from Quel’thalas. Blood elves would probably stay neutral as I just don’t see Kael wanting to join the Horde, even out of necessity, but maybe later on he would change his mind (I’m not even going to mention joining team blue, since with Kael as the leader thats impossible). We would have an awesome character and the Sunstrider dinasty would live on and they would slowly rebuild Highkingdom . As for Lor’themar, I guess he would be his advisor. The only thing I’m not sure about is reigniting the Sunwell, but I guess it’s still possible. (Oh and Dar’khan Dratir would have a painful public execution and we would laugh our asses of as he suffers )


If Sylvanas can be redeemed, anyone can

With the current state of the lore i can see her being redeemed…

Its reignited, though?


Umm yes? Since about 8 years. That’s why we can have golden eyes.

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Closer to 10. Why are you writing you aren’t sure about its re-ignition if its re-ignited already? Some sort of alternative scenario?

Edit: Aha, this is an alternative history. Apologies in that case.

Now that I think about it, M’uru would have died either way and the reignition would have happened anyway.

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He tried to sell his race to the burning legion. Knowing full well that they were behind the scourge. If he can somehow be ‘redeemed’ from that I’ll be surprised.

Unless Blizzard just tell us he’s redeemed without him actually doing anything redemptive, in which case no surprise at all.

Either way, I doubt he’ll return to the world of the living. His body is headless and rotting in some tomb on Quel’danas.

Edit: Wait, this is alternate history? Nevermind then, figured it was about his Shadowlands appearance.

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Isn’t he dead? Like deader than dead? Maybe he has special place in Shadowlands.

I meant before that. Probably after his defeat in the Eye. Or maybe before we have to even fight him. [quote=“Jankobahn-twisting-nether, post:9, topic:109845”]
Isn’t he dead?

I mean if the story took a different turn in the past.

Oh well okay, sure then. Yeah, Kael’thas had potential to be cool guy.

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kalel hehe (yes this is a sentance stupid machine^)

I love me some Alternate History, one of my favourite genres, so here goes.

First thing is you have to decide the ‘Point of Divergence’

By that I mean “At what point does history divert from the established Lore?”
I can see two major points where divergence could have happened.

Kael’thas never goes to Outlands.
Kael’thas turns against the Legion -after- acquiring the Fel Crystals and knowledge as to how to mana tap living creatures.

Soo, Scenario 1. No Outlands, No Fel Crystals, No Mana Tap knowledge.

Kael’thas and his Sunfury would not have gone to Outlands, but that is the -only- good thing that can be said. He would be riding high on a defiant patriotism, and pretty much the undisputed Ruler. Grand Magister Rommath would be doing business as usual, however the Ranger General would be dead. There were only two Ranger Lords at the time, Renthar Hawkspear and Lor’themar Theron (Halduron was not a Ranger Lord). Of the two, Lor’themar was Sylvanas’s Second, so he seems logical to have taken a step up to Ranger-General. Halduron most likely being made Ranger-Lord to fill the position. The Sunwell is desecrated, and Silvermoon’s infrastructure starts to decay and collapse (As there were no Fel Crystals to keep it up). The Faith of the Light is all but a dying ember, as many (Including Priestess Liadrin) regard the Light as having abandoned their people.

This is where it gets tricky. No Sunfury in Outlands, means no Sabotage of the Exodar. Do we know the Draenei were intending to make for Azeroth, or did they crash there -because- of the Blood Elves in Outlands?

The Draenei may well have carried on their merry way. This means no M’uru, which means no Blood Knights. The Army’s of Quel’thalas would look very different now, being almost entirely Farstriders, rangers, rank and file soldiery with magi support, no Heavy Cavalry with Light powers.

The Young and the Weak/Old would start dying, and the Blood Elves would be desperate for a solution, especially as the magic is fading from Silvermoon.

Silvermoon and Quel’thalas would still be a neutral nation at this point. -However-, there would be no finger of suspicion over Fel. Blood Elves would have to moderate their mana problems through items, and aid from elsewhere.

No Mana Tapping living creatures means no Exile. All Thalassian Elves are Blood Elves. Why not, the name isn’t evil, it is remembrance. Vereesa Windrunner would be a Blood Elf in the Farstriders, she has probably become a fully fledged Farstrider by now, in the family tradition (She was exiled before she could reach that in our timeline).

As such, the relations between the Blood Elves and the Alliance, whilst Neutral, would be much more friendly, after all, No Draenei means no ‘Sunhawks’ consorting with Demons and messing around on Azuremyst and Bloodmyst isle. There is nothing to link the Blood Elves to the Legion. There would be no grounds for Alliance suspicion, so no Dwarven Spies, Tyrande is unlikely to sanction raids on Quel’thalas by Sentinel troops, after all, she and Kael’thas have fought alongside each other, and have mutual respect. All Blood Elves have Blue eyes, no Fel Green. Dalaran, being a Kingdom co-founded and built by the Elves, would likely have offered the same aid they did to the Quel’dorei in our Timeline. After a period of horrific shortages, Blood Elf society would just start to rebuild. Sylvanas may or may not have offered her aid, depending on how manipulative she was, if the Blood Elves were still pretty OK with the Alliance, she likely would not have bothered. There is nothing in it for her. If she was -genuinely- patriotic in her desires, she may still have done so, however there is no pressing reason for the Blood Elves to turn to the Horde.

The Alliance would be helping them with the Mana Problem, they would not have kicked the Blood Elves whilst they were down, as in our Timeline.

Whatever he became in our Timeline, Kael’thas was definitely not stupid. He has just seen what his father’s isolationist policies had wrought, the near destruction of his people. He would be much more open to envoys from the Alliance, especially as that racist oaf Garithos received his just desserts. This of course places Sylvanas in a very difficult position, the Blood Elves have no reason to join the Horde, and they have an angry Alliance down south, with no guarantee, and even reason to believe, that if it came to war, the Blood Elves would not side with the Alliance (after all, if they have had no -positive- experiences of Forsaken….)

The Geopolitics of the Eastern Kingdoms would be -very- different indeed.

At that point it is hard to delve further with this crystal ball, as there are too many possibilities. Would Sylvanas cut her losses and try to make an accommodation with the other powers of the Eastern Kingdoms, rendering the EK Half Alliance, Half Neutral, Would she have launched a War against Quel’thalas, in the sure knowledge the Alliance would weigh in on the Elves side, or vice versa? For once, it would be her in the trap.

It would be a very different Blood Elven nation that survived, one still coming to terms with its place in the world, its shattered glory, and trying to overcome a national need for sustenance.

Then one day, the Alliance and Horde send expeditions to Outlands. Along with them is this Grand Magister, Rommath, Outlands is littered with these green crystals that seem to work just fine as a power source….perhaps they could be a solution to Silvermoon’s decaying infrastructure….

Either way, Prince, or perhaps even King, by that time, Kael’thas Sunstrider would be a respected world leader, beloved by his people, who had held them together through the darkest of times.

Scenario 2?

No real change, to be honest, the damage was done the instant Kael went to Outlands…


We are going to meet him in the shadowlands right?
I am sure they can spin the story in suchs a way that the legion tricked him into believe it was the best way to save his people.
Now you the player just going to have to get him to be ressurected.
And how do we players get what we want?
We kill stuff until people do what we want.
I can see it already:
Spirit healer: Just take him.
One soul isnt worth all this carnage.

He is not with the spirit healers, he is in Revendretrh being prepared by torture on a path to redemption , there they use the light to inflict pain. The Venthyr Covenant.

Any soul there is on a redemption path, the only irredeemable souls go to the Maw.

He literally yells “this world shall burn” and “you’ll drown in your own blood” though.

I forgot there name.
But as you say: he is already being redeemd.
We only need to get him out of the shadowlands then.

Yes and?
The legion could offer his people a paradise world to live on in exchange for him helping to conquer outland.
There not above lying.
Didnt we kill kealthas in a luxery palace?

Also ressurective immortalty for your entire race is quit the offer.
Fel magic corrupts and twist the mind and kealtas was full of the stuff.
Last i checked: elves dont care for other races until it effects them.
Him slaughtering worlds and drowning his enemies in there own blood( traitor blood elves included) too benifit his people is entirely believal.

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That sounds extremely impossible!!

After what happened with Kael the Sindorei vowed that it was the last time they would be ruled by a King/Royal Bloodline.

Plus, it doesnt seem that the Shadowlands people can just take a portal to Orgrimmar like we will be able to… pretty sure they are staying dead, and will find some kind of redemption or new purpose in the Shadowlands.

Otherwise there are SERIOUSLY much better characters that should be brought back like Varian or Cairne… so best not start that slippery slope

That sounds interesting and I like it. But I guess that would mean no paladins, priests and no reignition of the Sunwell.

As it should be. Alliance shamans/Horde paladins was a mistake.

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