Is There Seriously No Gender Option In WOTLK PTR?

Nice, literally suggesting segregation being inclusive. Very hot take.


They don’t need to be changed? That’s the whole point. Why would I need to adapt to people making stuff up and fabricating things inside their head?

We are throwing away standard, basic biology lol.


Biology has nothing to do with a video game.

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I’m being forced to adapt and to seeing basic biology get removed. It’s nonsense.

“Biology has nothing to do with a video gme”, yet this does? What right does this have?

I find this so hilarious. This movement is always contradicting itself. They just pretend that it makes sense. We’re all forced to pretend it makes sense.

They’re all for the removal of “gender forced stereotypes”. Yet they think in masculine and feminine terms lmao. What changed really? What happened from describing someone as male, it’s now masculine.

“I want body type 1, which is masculine, and then voicy type 2, which is feminine”.

What happens when you meet a dude that’s swole as hell but his voice is a bit high pitched? Even though he always was a man and loves being so, are you gonna go ahead and say he has a feminine voice?

We’re getting rid of gender options but instead replace them with masculine and feminine “social constructs”.

Never makes sense, always changing flavor.
From where I come from, gender was synonym to sex, and I bet it is still like that to a lot of people. Yet an entire movement on Tumblr insisted to be special and took over the whole gender debacle and insisted it was “A SOCIAL ENGINEERED CONSTRUCT”.

Tumblr really ruined this world.


There’s so many conflations of terms and utterly stupid what ifs in that rant it’s not worth responding to.

I’ve never used Tumblr in my life.

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Well yeah, you ran out of arguments 2 posts ago. “Video games hve nothing to do with biology” well thanks for admitting that this stuff is contradicting basic biology I guess?

Please tell me why we went from male and female to masculine and feminine terms?


From someone whose never had more than a single argument that’s fairly rich.

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Oh please, you can’t even answer that?

Since when do you get to decide?

Please tell me why we removed the terms male and female to then think in masculine and feminine terms. Which is exactly the same stuff.


If it has no impact, why change it in the first place?


It has no impact to you, it does have a positive impact for other people. That’s why.

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By lying to them?

To who exactly?

People who interpret biology in a wrong way

Stop being obtuse


No one is interpreting biology the wrong way, just some people, like you, are confusing it with Gender which is a completely separate thing.

I’ve had a read over your posts in this thread, and I can’t believe you have the audacity to call out other for having weak arguments or not answering questions, but you’ve done nothing but make a few statements with nothing to back them up.

If you want to prove me wrong that gender is not a construct and binary sex is everything, go ahead. I’ll be waiting.


Ah here we go with this whole gender is a social construct eh?

Do you know what’s funny. Male and female are genders that are removed through the customisation screen.
Then you rant about social constructs like skirt, long hair.

There’s nothing of that in the customisation of your character.
If you make a shaman, both male or female are wearing a robe.
There’s hairstyles both young and short for male and female.

What social constructs were present in the character creation screem? Except for simple biology: male and female.

Can you explain why we had to resort to body types then?

Seeing as those social gender constructs were not present before.

This whole thing is starting to look like a joke.


Okay, getting slightly bored of addressing this argument, but here goes.

Are you aware that intersex people exist? Do you understand that masculine-looking women and feminine-looking men exist? Do you understand that people with a chromosomal sex inconsistent with their phenotypic sex exist? That XYY, XXY and XO chromosomes exist? You might be intersex yourself without realising it. If you’re a man, you might have ovaries and a uterus. Have you ever had a scan to check?

Given that biological sex isn’t a simple binary, why on earth would or should gender be?

Exactly! So why are you upset about it?

This is the whole point. For people like you who prefer to exist in a blinkered state of denial, nothing has changed. Your character looks, sounds and plays the same way. You click on a “masculine” silhouette to make a male character, rather than on a mars symbol. The silhouette method is used far more widely than the mars symbol in real life, including on e.g. public toilets, and is entirely normal and standard as a way to present one side of a binary gender decision. Nothing has changed for you.

For some people, though, the change does matter and will make them feel more comfortable.


You’re right, the character customisation options are trash and not as inclusive as they should be and at the heart of it, this change is just a text change which is the bare minimum they could have done.

Gender doesn’t need to be in the game, that is defined by you. The character screen should have more body types, voice options and other things like skirts, make up, anything really. You should be able to mix and match these options regardless of gender.

The main issue here is that blizzard is trying and the change is inclusive at the surface, which is a good start. Where is goes from here, who knows, but it should be expanded.

The issue is bigots and transphobes who come here to beat down what is a perfectly reasonable change that won’t affect the player base as a whole, but be massively inclusive for some people, an option that they didn’t have before.

The only joke here is people like you.

And of course gender is a construct, we automatically assume make up and a dresses are for women only, buy animals don’t have these things, it our perception as a society that defines what being a “man” is and what being a “woman” is. You’ll always still have your anatomical sex that you were assigned at birth, but even then mistakes can be made.


You are describing 0.02% of the population here.

I’m not in denial.
You yourself are using terms like masculine and feminine. This actually changes nothing except for a few people.
It does change the identity of male and female, by removing the two genders, who are to most people identical to sex though.


And you are invalidating them.

(and, obviously, completely wrong on how many people are classified as such, but lies go with the territory)

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I’m not, I’m just not lying to them that this is the norm.
Have you talked with intersex people? You know that they identify with the sex that’s more predominant inside their body, right?