Is wow classic pay to win?

Why the ad hominem, and why is it narrow minded?

You argued that 5 players have better control than 1 player. It is true.
However the point is that 1 player controlling 5 characters has more power than 1 player controlling 1 character.
Trouble leveling a warrior? Add some mages to improve your dps.
Trouble leveling a mage solo? Double your damage for 13€ a month. For 65€, you don’t even need to drink anymore.
Hate getting interrupted? No big deal anymore, part of your dps keeps coming!

5 multiboxers of course have even more control than 1 multiboxer.
But it’s not all about 5v5 wPvP.

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He is narrowminded because he is biased and not receptive to alternative explanations.

Ad honimem because of resentment. I think it is appropriate.

Same advantages as solo players get for free when joining a party.

In addition multi-boxing have other advantages but they are mostly outside game and not ingame.

At the end of the day, multi-boxed characters are not more powerful than one-boxed characters. They have same gear, same enchants etc.

Also, as most multi-boxers don’t have access to raid gear, unless they one-box, you should call it pay-to-lose.

Did we talk about PVP? I don’t PVP with my boxes.

ofc we talk about PVP!! are you retail gamer? and even if not pvp but pve it is still pay 2 win because you could solo farm alot of things easier and faster you can even level up faster probably cause you dont need to find a group

you are a group lol

No, we don’t talk about pvp. Because simply put pvp multibox is dead in the water… you’re playing 5 chars who will loose to any 3+ instantly and most 2+ with a brain… and to be fair one solo player can take a multibox apart as well provided he plays with his brain and cooldowns. So now, while yes a multibox can instagib a moron who charges at it headlong so will 2NPC’s…

Stop being that diehard “ermagerd he can kill me” so he must be cheating guy. Because frankly that’s been debated to death a million times and quite frankly as we can see currently 5 solo players in a group are doing way way more damage to the pvp world currently.

I don’t play retail. Not since Cataclysm. Are you a retail player?

You imagine advantages that are not really advantages. This has been discussed million of times. I advice you to check older posts about this.

That’s not really how any of those things work.

Depending on what your objective is multiboxing can be seen as pay-to-win. If you consider high GPH or roflstomping 1v"1"'s an objective, then paying for multiple accounts and multiboxing software will help you achieve that.
Besides those two things… not really.

not rly advantages? lol

Look at the big picture. No advantages :slight_smile:

so if you farm strath for righteous orbs solo its no advantage?

Given it would you twice as long at least as a regular 5 man to clear it, maybe even three times… the fastest way to farm those orbs would roll a tank and demand all Orbs if you tank the instance… I mean that’s pretty much the go top mode as it is anyway. You could definitely get two full runs in and possible most of a third by the time a boxer finishes one run.

Multiboxing is the grey almost against the tos pay2win element of classic. They are looked down by most players atkeast on the servers Im playing they arent that famous.

Let’s get things straight, pay2win is a slogan generated by people who failed at a game and look for people to blame, they blame the rushers, the boosters, the raids who gank everything in sight, the raids who sell loot for gold, anyone who doesn’t play exactly like their autistic little minds perceive how the game should be played, and shock horror most of them believe they should be the best clearly… And that has nothing to do with the TOS,

also and if you must know your sub fee isn’t actually for the game itself, it’s to pay for the customer support you receive… or don’t in classics case.

You may argue that multiboxing is against the spirit of the game, which is yet again a hard one to push and you need a serious amount of mental mathematics to try and portray that in any way other than your opinion.

To call it grey is also another muddying of the waters, it is most certainly allowed, checked and monitored by blizzard, do you think anything that garners this much attention can be a grey matter… no it can’t. It has clearly defined rules and adheres to them, which blue posts have numerous times said are allowed and within the games rules. ThAt is pretty black and white.

The player bases opinion of them amounts to this currently… are they red? Nope… great I’m going to stand behind them and use them as a human shield / attention sponge to draw the enemy’s fire so maybe I can go about my day in peace… are they red… yup, ah well back to the spirit guide I go, god damn ganking b*stards, they should be banned!

Its not created by people who failed because you cant fail in classic, there is absolutely nothing you can lose which would indicate you failed in it. It is a grey area because you are controlling accounts with external programs and whatever else you need for it. And it is clearly a pay2win element because it makes you 5x times stronger than the avarage, its let you farm instances alone, farm player, few guy can clear raids etc. Its basically gives you unfair advantage in pvp/pvp for extra money this could be the illustration next to the “pay2win” word. And the playerbase despise them, just ask a normal player what he thinks about it and Im sure most of them will have a negative opinion about it.

I’m not too knowledgeable on how multi boxing works other than that fact it’s 1 player controlling 5 characters. But to do so they must have to use some sort of script/macro to target the target of the main character that is being played and also have that character on follow so would that mean that using an AoE fear would seriously disrupt a multi boxer?

The term pay 2 win wasn’t spawned in classic, and you can most certainly fail in classic, you can fail when you don’t meet your own standards, when a rank 1 compares himself to a rank 14, very rarely will he think, gee that guy farmed his butt off for 3 months straight and pretty much cut himself off from real life to do that, i can do that as well, instead they think, lolz nolifer, neckbeard incel. That is an example of the rank 1 failing, not the rank 14 who put the grind in.

I require no external software/program to multibox, I do It all with 5computers and one wireless keyboard. The same software that connects your keyboard to your computer is all that’s needed, To say that’s “pay to win” is like saying someone with an expensive computer a with a higher Fps is pay to win because he can afford a better computer.

As someone with 15years of first hand experience I can tell what the “normal” person thinks about it. Most actually ask how it’s done and think it’s fairly interesting. Maybe 10-15 /w a day to the effect… 2-3 think your “hacking” and say “reported lolz” and maybe 1-2 /w a day calling you a cheat.


Fear absolutely wrecks multiboxers, and the second all the toons run in different directions you’ve lost because half will be facing the wrong way while maybe 2 will be facing the right way casting while the rest of your party target someone out of range/los and spam “I can’t do that yet”
Your right it’s done with in game macros for
/assist (main characters name)
/cast (whatever spell you want)

you think so? they can control multiple characters at once tho

i dont think it would take them much time to clear it if they multibox 5 mages for example they can just aoe

This is where people get it so wrong, 5 solo people on a mage who can chain frost nova/ blizzard from a spread out safe position, who can ice block themselves if they get Agro and let the other 4 pick up the slack.
A multibox has 5 people standing on the one spot, who will all frost nova at the same time, all iceblock at the same time, require a few extra seconds to move so they are out of leeway, if they blink they go in 5 different directions because they weren’t quite pointing the same way, and will also break /follow. You can Think for one or two chars at a time, before you know it one mage wasn’t quite clear of the mobs and is now dead. Even if you survive the fight your 4 remaining mages must now stand still until you run that dead mage back to the instance.
To do instances as box you need to bring your group to a room, spread them out… try and pull the group you want back to your team, and then pick it up from there. And if it doesn’t go exactly like you plan, there is no plan B, you get a cascade of errors and while you try to fix one problem two more have arrisen. And by the tome you get to even acknowledge the second problem at least 1 if not 2 of your team is dead… at which point you end up wiping and going back to the start again.

To answer yoru qeustion, ofcourse it is pay to win! If you dont pay, you cannot play, if you cannot play, you cannot win.

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That example about failing is just so unreal, why would someone aim for the r14 if he dont have time for it and have the mentality to call loser or neckbeard etc those who play a lot? It makes no sense, casual players doesnt aim high. The next one is all about you, how you doesn’t require anything else than 5 pc and a keyboards (which i hardly belive you are running 5 pc, 5 monitor but ok). still the multiboxers i saw was able to move synchronized with all five character and it wasnt a simple /follow or macroes… oh and the aoe fear did nothing to him. Your pay2win example was also …weird because in most games there is a baseline for every player when they buy the game and they cant be significantly better just by throwing money at it and by that I mean a guy with 60fps will still be able to beat some other dude with 144fps( I did that too in csgo I was supreme with a laptop with 40fps and on Lan tournaments my team scored 2-3 places back in 2013-4) BUT you cant beat a multiboxer with 5 account with your normal one account even with 500fps. Actually to beat a multiboxer you have to make a group which means you need multiple normal accounts to beat a single guy who just paying more. It remind me the older free to play games like battlefield heroes, WoT etc… where you can just roflstomp everyone if you sink more money into the game.