"It's a fantasy game!"

I think it depends on expansions, the ingame presentation in TBC and WotLK was still mature and serious. Sure a few funny moments like the guard sitting on the little house outside the inn but that doesn’t take away the sergeant yelling at the new recruits a few feet away that the chances of them coming home will be in a body bag.

In some cases it looks cool, in some it doesn’t. But at the end of the day it’s still just about aesthetics and that’s subjective. One person will like it, another won’t.

I think you totally can. I do. I don’t see the majordomo as a joke character at all.
Only people with prejudice and bias in their hearts will be incapable to see it as anything other than what their views tell them to see. And imo; that’s their problem. Not the game’s.

That’s your opinion.
I think you’re completely wrong and quite narrowminded for claiming such a thing.
Look at Yoda in Star Wars. He isn’t a joke character.

There’s many examples like that in all manner of media. You refuse to see vulpera as anything else, even when you’re presented with a perfectly fine opportunity to do so.
That’s not on the game; that’s on you.

And I’m not saying you’re wrong for feeling that way perse; you feel how you feel.
But to expect everything else to be adjusted simply because that’s what you feel is unrealistic.

It’s not the matter of prejudice and bias. It’s a matter of being realistic.
Are you serious? Do you even understand how the world works?

Yoda is a joke character.

My guy, nobody in their right mind will ever look at a little desert fox and think its demands authority and respect when you can just stomp it with the underside of your boot so easily. Hence why Gnomes have never taken a serious stance in storytelling and why they were in the background doing engineering stuff.

You seriously strike me as bizarre and not open minded instead. If that Vulpera is in an authority of command, would you seriously expect people to follow him in battle? It’s like you people have disclosed any sense of realism and think that people are prejudiced and not open minded when they point out how ridiculous and infantile it all looks.

You think a talking fox can’t be taken seriously.
In a game with all kinds of talking animals and creatures.

Yes I’m being serious and yes I understand perfectly fine how it works.


It seems YOU don’t understand things.

YOU don’t. Don’t claim nobody will.
It’s not about the form; it’s about the attitude, the way someone presents themselves. THAT is what demands authority and respect.

Which just proves to me you lack any sort of insight.

Also; it’s not even a vulpera. It’s a dragon.
It’s just a visage.

That’s only how it looks in your view.
Which is biased and narrowminded.

Again; you can feel that way. I’m not saying that’s the issue here.
The issue is that you somehow think that your opinions and views are universal facts and that’s how everyone sees it or should see it. That reeks of illusions of grandeur.

You really are obtuse in your reasoning sometimes.

Can you exactly tell me why Lord of the Rings is consumed more by adults than Dora the Explorer? I mean, both of those franchises have talking orcs and the other has a talking fox hence your argument like no other factors come in play lmao.

Seems like you don’t know how often Yoda is joked about from just the way he speaks to his small stature.

You act like looks and the way you’re presenting yourself don’t come into play once again.

Keep it real.

I don’t think so.

Yet he chose to portray himself as something whimsical and childish.

Right, because this opinion hasn’t been overly shared at all.

Take a break.

If the WOW “universe” lore was just book(s) and not a multi-million player MMO, no one would know of it. Old and new WOW players do not know or care about anything in WoW lore except the most basic things. Like, “the lich king”. And that’s about it.

Warcraft was already immensively popular when they just released Warcraft 2, the RTS game.

I really don’t understand why you assume Warcraft would’ve been bad because the usual remark in the lore community was how much of a misstake it was to turn the franchise into an MMORPG, since it ruined quite a lot of the foundation and the immersion of the world (of Warcraft).

Do you know Warcraft 2 topped the charts at that time? Both for being a good RTS and for the aesthetic of the game?

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WoW sold to 10s of millions of players and got monthly subscriptions from them. Warcraft (the novels) and the table tops are just immaterial. You are comparing the Titanic to a dinghy.

Had WoW/Warcraft video games not been made, no one but obscure “cultists” would ever know of the “warcraft universe”.

Even with all the publicity WoW and its millions of players afforded to the books (novels), no one knows, understands, or cares about the lore. DYOR. Ask players if they know who is what and who did what. Pick names from the lore and ask players next time you party with someone.

I bet more people know who Lord British is than King Varian.

WoW sold 10s of millions of players because the game at that time was still running the story from Warcraft 3.

You’re very wrong, the Warcraft 3 modding community is still big.
It even birthed games like DOTA. It literally birthed a new game mode.

I really don’t know who you’re referencing with Lord British.

Warcraft 2: 3 million global sales by 2001.

Warcraft 3: sold 1 million copies within a month.

Yet here you are calling them a failure?

Not the games, but the novels, the lore. Can you not distinguish between the two?

The “lore” is a pile of crp and no one cares. The games (warcraft and wow) are good and people do care. It’s like LOTRO or Hogwarth’s Legacy or the 2-3 Starwars games, only in reverse. There you have very successful novels and/or films franchises which were later made into not so great games. With warcraft you have the opposite, a crp story written just for the extremely successful games.

Precisely my point.

This is true now, after Cata, MoP, WoD, Legion, BfA, SL and now DF. Each expansion deconstructed the lore that was built in the RTS games more and more. Killing off its characters, retconning its lore, changing its tone, replacing its stories with different stories. That original lore was WoW’s foundation and they eroded it away. No wonder their castle is sinking into the swamp.

I was a gigantic lore-nerd in 2005 through to 2011. I knew every zone, every faction, every history. I would do lore quizzes in General chat in Stormwind and people participated and liked learning about it. I would enter a dungeon and offer to quickly explain in a few lines what its story was to people who didn’t know. And they liked it.

All that ended after Wotlk, when the lore suddenly began changing as it went. Several great characters were now dead, others had their stories retconned. I noticed that what I knew about the lore, wasn’t true anymore. Left was right, right was left. Like it was their intention to just alienate anyone who knew the lore.

Even the voice acting got worse and questlines got more and more bizarre. We stopped seeing the known factions and new factions popped up each Xpack. And from then on, each expansion further warped and changed the world I loved. I used to loathe the idea of tauren paladins because it violated to lore of tauren and of the light. Now I don’t give a sh*t anymore. Tauren monks? Sure whatever.

The lore died with Arthas and since then has existed only to fuel hype and sell expansions. DF’s lore is complete trash, its quests are trash, its characters are trash. Amateur drivel, written by idiots.

So yea, what you say is true now but what Asjon and I refer to is the OG lore that most WoW players probably weren’t there for at the time. We played the RTS games, we came into WoW to see that world come to life, we explored all the richness of its lore as we went, and then we saw it die slowly over time.

To quote Akama. “I prefer to remember the lore as it used to be, not the abomination it has become.”

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warcraft lore died the moment the mmo was a reality


My memory is, I was there from Nov/Dec 2004, and my guild was there, and we raided 40 mans regularly (into 2005 and beyond), and no one ever mentioned anything about the story or what have you, it was all about raid participation, tactics, what class you chose to play, loot/gear, guild politics (you took X player to the raid but did not take me, or why did you give him that weapon), you know the usual drama. Lore was for “nerds” if you like, maybe those who might keep figures on their shelves and wear “wow” t-shirts…

This is not entirely true
Thanks to the MMO lots of books were written and they expanded and actually made the bulk of the Lore, like the War of the Ancients trilogy or the seriers starting with Of Blood and Honor, and an actually nice d20 RPG that lasted from 2003-2008, with tons of lore - tho’ sadly it was rendered non-canon material
Before the MMO the Warcraft Lore was basically non-existent and came from the WC 1-2-3 manuals

The most consistent thing about WoW lore is how inconsistent it is over time.
Even in the glory days of TBC, how many beloved WC3 anti heroes got their character assassinated in order to give players some boss to mug?
At least Arthas got a proper sendoff…until shadowlands turned him into 50 anima

35 anima you mean 50 would be to much and 25 to little :wink:

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Fantasy only works when you give the created world some form of logic. Doesn’t have to be purely real world logic, cos it’s Fantasy, but you have to have “laws” to go by.

Otherwise, what is stopping Jaina teleporting inside the chest cavity of every single Horde leader one-by-one and popping them like balloons?


Metaaaaal! I want mages to be able to do that now. Pop pop pop.

People seem to forget how Garona was conceived.