It's the Weekend! [Thread] 💃

Why I don’t see my avatar of character x.x

Have a great Sunday all! :heart:

Woke up on a lazy Sunday, checked the alarm clock, is time to get ready to do some grocerie shopping to try and beat the Covid crowds. :smiley:

Got up and got going, picked up the tablet to read the news, looked at the clock on the tablet, realised I was an hour too soon :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Grumpy, grumpy Sunday :unamused:


Bambi syndrome is always such a great target to dissect and ridicule, isn’t it? Apparently nowadays kids watch too much idealized nature stuff and not enough National Geographic because Tom & Jerry cartoons are A-OK, but real “eat or be eaten” natural world is SO not appropriate for them! Could at least read some decent English poetry like Tennyson or prose, say Pratchett. Nature red in tooth and claw, mother and children feasting upon mother and children, this sort of thing. The balance of hunger and extinction. A species gets too numerous, its food supply per specimen goes down, the species gets starved until its population goes down to a number that can survive in new conditions. That’s “mother” nature.

And every time someone pulls that “unnatural” “argument” on me, I ask why are they using “unnatural” things like cell phones, PCs, fridges, cosmetics, plastics, medicines, toilet paper, everything. “Natural” to our species means something like “16-20 years average life expectancy, 90% mortality rate until 10yrs, you go hunt that mammoth down or you’re going hungry for who knows how long”. Oh, and those luxurious cave apartments: crampy, dark, smelling of smoke, animal fat, excrements, and previous locators that had to be evicted by force and were probably eaten :smiley:

That would be Switzerland iirc. Those big people-saving dogs don’t just do it by finding avalanche victims, and meat can be hard to come by in the mountains… :smiley:

It was a big problem but as long as it was limited to corpses, eh, understandable, just don’t get caught. But when civilians were starved enough, they would start, ahem, hunting that other game. Solved by summary executing anyone caught. Because some things cannot be tolerated by any society.

It’s that once something is intelligent enough, it can and will fight back, and the species which is aggressive towards itself too much goes the way of dinosaurs. Not conducive to long-term survival. We are that way because looong time ago those of our ancestors who recognized other humans as fellow beings like them and not just food had higher survivability rate, so this trait became more widespread.

Blame the idiotic system called capitalism in which the more something is desired and less NEEDED, the more profitable it is. And to a lot of people eating meat is synonymous with luxury because they couldn’t afford it earlier so now they try to compensate, and overdo their neighbours/friends etc. It’s not biological necessity but a cultural thing, humans don’t really need to eat that much meat, but “Look at me! I can afford to devour meat like a real carnivore! I’m rich and powerful, good friend/mate!” behavior. Would say “suddenly affordable meat complex”, but let’s not go Freud here :smiley:

This. As long as people will want to eat meat for those demand-related reasons, there will be a supply of it. Might change in time, might not, might end in massive cannibalism problem that will then solve itself :smiley:

Evolutionary biology has a lot to say about it. Look Richard Dawkins up.

Strange, isn’t it? The animal raised to be eaten should be shocked into unconsciouness - A-OK. But a human can’t be allowed to self-terminate! ESPECIALLY when it’s painless! Gotta make them roll that wheelchair to the nearest bridge and crawl over the barrier to jump down! Let’s make them feel they’re dying! More humane! No consciences are muddied by their suffering this way!

Fox & pigeon & hare/rabbit shooting were all a thing among the UK upper class. I seem to remember that it only stopped when some species was shot to extinction, then they would go for another, until someone noticed they are running out of game species… :smiley:
Also some pest control shooting is OK in most of Europe iirc, as sometimes discouraging just doesn’t work and there’s no other option than shooting these animals or they will treat your fields like a free buffet.

Btw, since when “weekend nonsense thread” turned into some decent reading? It’s your work Brigante, isn’t it? :smiley:

Hey guys. I wish you all a great and productive Sunday.

I’m personally relaxing as much as I can at the moment, and will likely go to the Internet cafe tonight to play some WoW with my guild.


The thing is, the large majority of animals are kept in factory farms, which are horrible conditions. Keeping animals free to graze in open fields is a thing that cannot be sustained anymore with 8 billion people on the planet.

Free range isn’t any better sadly. A lot of the laws of free range are still cruel.

‘Free-range’ was intended to mean ‘free roaming’, yet ‘the maximum stocking density of open-air runs must not be greater than 2 500 hens per hectare of ground available to the hens or one hen per 4 m2 at all times. However, where at least 10 m2 per hen is available and where rotation is practised and hens are given even access to the whole area over the flock’s life, each paddock used must at any time assure at least 2.5 m2 per hen’. This has inevitably loosened the terms of the definition of ‘free-range’ and, as a consequence, the term has now lost its real meaning and is far from correct.

Additionally, all the male chicks that are born are immediately thrown in a meat grinder to be slaughtered, just minutes of being alive, just because they cannot lay eggs, and hence are not profitable.

Animal agriculture isn’t going to stop overnight. It would be a slow progression. Even if a law would be introduced to stop animal agriculture, these laws are usually introduced years after they are announced.

If we had to stop raising livestock, we would need FAR less water and land which is used to produce crops. Animal agriculture is incredibly inneficient. We raise the crops for livestock to eat, and then we consume that livestock. We would be cutting out the middleman. A lot of the deforestation that is going on in the Amazon forest is because of land that is used to feed the livestock with.

That’s not how it happens to the large majority of animals. They have to endure living in horrible conditions before they are slaughtered just when they are babies. A cow can live up to 20 years, yet most female cows are slaughtered when they are younger than 5 years old. Not to mention the male calves that are slaughtered either immediately or within a month of their lives for veal. This practice happens on both rural areas and in factory farming.

The consumer is never a vegan however.

It’s not an opinion piece if studies where conducted.

Here are some other papers regarding dogs.

Cats are a different story. It’s still a debate and there are a lot of studies going on regarding the issue. I personally feed my cat packaged meat because that is what is available where I live.

First of all, dogs are omnivores. Secondly, we always force diets on our pets since we are the ones that dictate what they eat.

The pet cannot consent to eating food from factory farms either.

What’s exactly wrong with that, if the food is delicious? Why is it a problem that no animals where harmed?

The majority of vegans do not try to make people feel guilty. They merely say what happens to the animal that got served in their plate. A lot of people do not like hearing this, because they don’t want to hear that they are part of the problem. They’d rather not hear it than take personal responsibility.

What about those male chicks that die in a meat grinder minutes of being alive? What about the cow that is forcefully impregnated over and over using artificial insemination? What about the male calves that are killed when they are born or within a month of existence for veal? What about the plastic pollution that is caused by fishing nets in the ocean?

These things happen whether you buy your animal products from a factory farm or from a rural area.

Tips his top Hat and waves his cane, adjusting his monocle “Guilty as charged Sirrah!”

And that should be strictly monitored and not allowed, and if that puts up the price of meat, then so be it. But that is not universally how it is done, and generally when it is done so it is in countries that are massive overconsumers (By which I mean wastefully so) or countries that lack the financial infrastructure to operate more ethical ways of treating their livestock. Which isn’t great. But what is the solution? Going Vegan? Great, their economy dies and they regress in terms of finance. I’m sure they’d send a bouquet of flowers thanking all the vegans for retarding their economical development. Throwing money at them so that they -can- afford to operate more humane methods of farming? Sure, that might help the -farming- industry, but because farming meat becomes more expensive, the meat in the shops becomes more expensive, which in a developing nation means that it is priced outside of most people’s pocket. You’d have to subsidise the basic living wage of every human being of working age in that nation, to make that suggestion workable, or else we are back to the -EXTREMELY- uncomfortable times when rich westerners tell poorer natives how to live their lives.

Again, it is a finance problem, not necessarily that those farmers -like- keeping their animals in bad conditions. Very few, I would say -very few- actual farmers who live alongside their livestock are wantonly cruel to their stock, or want to be. It isn’t ideal. But if all humanity went Vegan, Whole Nations would collapse in chaos, as their economies buckle, so what happens, we let that happen, or we start throwing money at the problem? How many people have to die before we go “Actually, this was a stupid idea”
Would we seriously find ourselves in a situation where we are placing animal lives above human lives, in terms of what is ethically right? Because many nations do depend on their lifestock farming as a staple of their economy, and instability means rioting, and rioting means someone is gonna get hurt, possibly even killed. How many human deaths would be deemed acceptable if the world went Vegan suddenly? Is there a figure? or is it a sliding scale? How does it coincide with the animals who would also needlessly die? How many deaths, and how much cruelty would be acceptable, to ensure a cruelty free diet?

Of those 8 Billion how many regularly eat meat? Because that is the figure you need to use, not the total of humans on the planet, that is a misleading figure and factually inaccurate.

Where does that come from, the very writing style smacks of an agenda, have they ever seen a free roam farm?

Err, what? No they are not. If they were, I would not be waking up to the sound of the raucous little ******* every morning! I refuse to believe that somehow, I live in a village with the only Humane farms in the world (As opposed to ‘Human’ farms, as I think that is the plot of ‘Soylent Green’ :stuck_out_tongue: ) The Male chicks are kept with the females, which is risky, as when they grow older they will fight amongst themselves for dominance, and when of an age they are actually sold off, in a similar way to a Stud Bull can be sold off. There are always poultry farms lacking for (Damnit Blizzard why can’t we type the word!) Male Chickens to augment their stock, and so it would be entirely counterproductive to simply chuck 'em in a grinder. There is also the other factor that people don’t realise, who have never seen newly hatched chicks.

You -CANNOT- tell the sex of a chick at birth, so this stuff about them being thrown into meat grinders is just absolute kodocrap.

Chickens, like most (but not all) birds have only one set of genitalia, whether male or female, the cloaca, which to delicately put it, does the jobs of all the ‘bits’ humans have, including the bum. Male or female characteristics are only discernible at the very least 2 days after hatching, and only with any real degree of certainty at 6 weeks.

Any Farmer thinking they know the sex of a newly hatched chick throwing male ones into a meat grinder is both ignorant of the nature of his creatures (Unlikely) and also a financial dunce (unlikely) as you get next to no meat from a chick, whereas a fully grown Rooster would avail far more money for their carcass.

Seriously, you can’t ‘sex’ chicks at the direct point of Hatching.

Doesn’t matter, you’re still talking about letting those animals to die out.

There are a lot of things we could do to prevent cruelty in this world. Some (Not All) Vegans concentrate on the ‘easy’ ones, and not the ones that would inconvenience them. This is why it can be easy to level claims of hypocrisy.

It is reminiscent of smoking, where you would get a family wheeling a pushchair up a street and tut when they passed a smoker. Seriously? You’re wheeling a pushchair up a modern street with a baby in it and complaining about the smoker? What about their child cruelty by exposing them to the emissions from passing cars up the street? (Actually more harmful) Did they travel here by car? (Actually more harmful) do either of them work in a factory or industry (Biggest cause of lung related disease in the world, the WHO confirmed).

People get fixated on their own little bit of “What I do good” and assume everyone else is bad, without realising that they do bad. You drive a Car? You are complicit in lung disease of strangers. Work in a factory or heavy industry? You are complicit in diseases of strangers that can become hereditary. You’re a Vegan? Which sort, the ones that burn children and kill animals, or the ‘normal’ sort who just make a dietary choice and don’t make a fuss about it?

Everything in modern life is harmful, if you examine it closely, but then this is nothing new, and has been a factor since our ancient ancestors looked out and saw when Lightning struck a tree and went "Hmm, what is that hot orange wobbly thing? Let’s call it ‘Fire’.

The Deforestation is corporate greed, and is not necessary to supply our dietary requirements if people were prepared to forgo convenience in favour of conscience. I’ve eaten at McDonalds, technically making me a hypocrite, but fast food restaurants are such a profligate waste machine it is untrue. If we did not eat at Fast Food restaurants, we would not need the amount of livestock we do. But that is where it gets complicated, isn’t it?

Why do we eat at Fast Food restaurants?


Is it always convenience for us?

No, sometimes it is because you get a half hour lunch break before returning to work, and don’t have the time to actually -be- a normal human being, take time, sit down and eat a meal properly, before returning to your labours. Ironically we have a more regimented and dictated lifestyle than the serfs and villeins’s who tended the fields a thousand years ago.

So Why is the Amazon being deforested? Because it is cheap. Because it is cheap, and shareholders need their cut.

Could we live with a Livestock diet without deforesting the Amazon?

Yes we could. So why don’t we?
Because Shareholders need their cut. Are some of those Shareholders Vegans? In the companies in the Meat Industry? Probably not, if they actually truly have the strength of their convictions, in the industries that force workers into this ‘fast food’ necessity by increasing hours and shortening breaks, Oh hells yes, they definitely are, several famously are.
Are those vegans not indirectly responsible for the set of circumstances that make people go for Convenience over Conscience?

Yes, Yes they are.

This is why I can never take a Vegan who Proselytises (as opposed to just like, normal Vegans, who just get on with it) seriously, unless they can convince me, that they live without any of the trappings that directly, or indirectly lead to the killing of animals, its necessity, or the circumstances that result.

That isn’t a personal dig. I feel that way about everyone who takes a ‘moral’ stance on something that when examined, leads to some dark places. I don’t exempt myself from that, I just have the capacity to realise that whilst I am flawed, and am in a greater cosmic scheme contributing to these things, I am never needlessly cruel, and I think, that is the best that any human being can say, with any degree of honesty, in my opinion.

Except to Wasps of course. To Hells with them.

So I take it you vehemently oppose the concept of Armies and armed forces then? Humans can live up to 100 and beyond years, yet many young soldiers died in Wars aged only 18, 19, 20,

I am sure many would applaud that brave stance. If they had not been ethnically exterminated because you held it.

See what I mean?

Nothing is that clear cut.

If the consumer ever bought a Vegan burger, they are. If the consumer ever worked at/supported a corporation or local company that gave short dinner breaks to it’s staff, then they are, if the consumer ever was in a position of management and told staff off for taking a long lunch break, then they are. If the consumer drives a car, then they are, I could go on, but you see my point, surely. I can link vegans to animal cruelty with horrific ease, but I don’t, because it is a dietary choice, and I actually respect it. I could. But I don’t. I bet you that there is one aspect of your life, that as a Vegan, I could track back to Animal Cruelty. I am 100% certain of that. I am not a Gambling man, hence I say that, I am 100% certain that I can track back something in your life, and link it to Animal Cruelty.

That isn’t mocking your ethics, you have chosen to make that decision, and I respect it, I respect people of conviction, even if I don’t believe in it myself, I respect Priests, Nuns, Rabbi’s and Imams even if I don’t believe in their God. I think the Current Pope is pretty much an absolute -BEAST- when it comes to showing what a Pope should be. Doesn’t make me Catholic, does mean I respect him.

These things are not isolated. Nor is Veganism, and that is what the extreme element need to realise. We can tear your arguments down, and show you as hypocrites. Or, We can just agree that you guys don’t like eating animal products. Thats cool, we do. Ain’t no reason to argue. Just, people be people, man.

No it is, that’s what “A Paper” means.

Not naturally they are not. No Canine is a natural Omnivore. Sorry, that is just fact. Will they eat any rubbish dropped on the floor? Yes. But the same is true of a toddler, or a Glaswegian Tramp.

The Genus Canine are -not- Omnivorous. Now if you had said Ursine, as in Bears, then you would be right, but no, Canines are Carnivorous.

They generally don’t have the spending power to be able to do so. Is it meat? Yes. Is meat what they are biologically supposed to eat? Yes. Will they eat the meat? Yes.

Because some people won’t find the food delicious, and will be turned away from it? The Harming of animals is not a factor here (I warned you about Emotive language) People aren’t going “Oh, I’ll go to that Faction Banquet as my Clannie, Rabbie Macgiscoll, but only if they promise to hurt a cow beforehand”

I’ve never understood why some Vegans can’t get their head around this basic concept “But you can make excellent, delicious tasting Vegan Food”

So what?

You can make excellent, delicious tasting omnivorous food!

You can also find Vegan food insipid, bland, and in some cases actually nauseous to consume.
Human beings are different.
Why on earth would I attend a Banquet where I knew I would not enjoy the food, and in some cases there would be a chance that I am physically sick due to trying to consume it? That would be a) unpleasant for me, and b) unpolite to the chef who probably was doing their best!

Or I could just not go.

And those are the type of Vegans who I have as friends and have zero problem with.

I got asked that a few years back, and then the Veggie crowd stopped asking when they said “Yeah, but would you kill the animal itself, in order to eat it?” and without hesitation I replied “Yes, and I have done so”

Kinda stumped them.

I actually kind of agree. If you want something, take the responsibility. Go out there, Kill the animal, eat the animal. I would have zero problem with that, and have done it in the past, as I say (Although I do feel guilty about that animal, but that is a different story, unrelated to the ethics or morality of eating meat, more just tragedy, but like I say, different story for a different time)

Doesn’t happen unless you are talking about Farmers who don’t understand what a frickin’ Chicken -IS-. (OK, I admit, that rhymed)

Know what, that’s grim. But then, what happens in the wild with that species is actually equally grim. The Cow is not getting a choice in this matter…whichever way it happens.

Mother nature is not some sacred idyll… Some animals are actually bloody horrific to each other, and yeah, to be honest, Artificial Insemination, whilst grim, at least doesn’t involve being beaten into submission first?

Never eaten Veal, local farmer doesn’t believe in it. Hang on, let me rephrase that, she -believes- it exists, but doesn’t think it is cool.

That has nothing to do with meat. Vegetables are presented the same way in supermarkets.
I get my meat and vegatables from local providers, fresh, and in cardboard containers, you freeze or refrigerate both. Excessive use of plastic is a problem, I fully agree, however it is not a problem that is laid at the door of eating meat.

There should be more stringent legislation about our use of plastics, however to do so would involve -ALL- use of plastics, including those that support a Vegan or Vegetarian diet…

On a more positive and jovial note, I was having a smoke outside my house earlier, and an elderly couple walking their dog walked past, and as people do, in these times of plague, made a friendly conversation, looking at my house “Oh, having work done are you?”

Now you know those moments where you have a snap back comment that you would use to your mates, but would be unnecessarily rude to a random person, so you bite it in?
One of those.

I nearly said “What gave it away, the hole in the house or the massive two Skips on the driveway?”

What I actually said was “Oh, yeah, the old dining room is being knocked through to make a Kitchen Diner, we never used the Garage (the bit with the hole in it) anyway, the car is always parked on the drive when the Skips aren’t there”

“Sounds nice, aren’t you worried though?”

“About what?”

“Well, you’ve got this massive gap where a window will be, scrotes could climb in and get into your house?”

“Well, Good luck to them, they’d find themselves in a concrete box with nothing worth nicking?”

“Yes, but you say it is going to be attached to the rest of the house as a Kitchen Diner, they can get in and open the door, and lickety split they’re in your house! Burglar’s Paradise that!”

I had to take a moment, stifling laughter before I answered.

“Yeah, the Builders are actually finishing work on what was the garage, including putting a window in that hole -Before- they make the door linking it to our internal house…I’m not that worried”

“But they could still smash a glass window in and get access to your house!”

I pointed behind me at the front door.
"What, like they could with that?

The old man nodded sagely and walked off with his equally old wife, and aged Retriever. “Say what you like, they’re not so stupid the young generation”

I’m more impressed that I am apparently “the Young Generation”

I’ll totally take that! Today has been a Good Sunday, I am -Young- again!

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Same thing I do every day, farm Soundless :sob:

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Now all I see is Brigante going indoors then loudly yelling “I’M YOUNG!!” while fist-bumping.

UUUUUUUUG the weekend, she is almost gone :c


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but my beautiful hair!!!

I am totally doing that fist raised thing from the end of ‘The Breakfast Club’. You are not wrong…


Isn’t red.
Get the mask on!

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Go on. Just for me. Just for one post… Or get the red hair. Either way it’s a win win for Souldefíler


Give me an armory pic!! It’s the Weekend!!!

id should updated eventually xD

I shall be watching! No armory pic? you teaser!

(god I’m bored, I’m sitting here requesting armory pics…)