Judge for yourself (pala retri)


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A friend of mine sent me this photo of an arena. He is a holy paladin 216ilvl and 30% vers and was facing a pala retri. How is it possible that such a thing is allowed? How should you counter it? Even if you keep it in cc it did 34,562 damage in 0.8 sec

It’s impossible to lose a game as a ret currently


Unfortunately it is a really bad meta. Some classes are far too advantaged. If you are not a phenomenon in the arena you are forced to play the usual 3-4 op specs

Lol this happend to me yestarday, Killed me from like 80% to dead without breaking his BLIND! I just laughed, Isnt really any outplay for that untested garbage so i can either stop playing or just try to gain rating from non ret comps :woman_shrugging:

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Same happened to me, we played some 2s with my friend to cap his alt, went into hpal/ret they haven’t done anything good and used blind on us and the ret pop everything and killed us both.

Took 40k dmg and the blind never broke btw.

You got a whole 0.8 seconds to react, totally fine. Needs a buff actually.

You guys just need to learn to play. There’s so much you can do to prevent the damage.


Haha yeh guess i should pre-link the blind next time

Yes, exactly! Now you’re getting it!

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