Kaldorei RP

Hey all, just wondering if there was any Kaldorei RP going on outside of the main city hubs?

Cheers \o/

Hey there fellow Kaldorei. Ashenvale - Astranaar is probably the best bet to meet people for some casual RP when it comes to the night elves.
Else it would probably be easier to try and get into some of the active night elven guilds to get a better hold of people.
Nightblade Sentinels, Isil’Theran or Moonrise Hermitage are usually around for some elven shenanigans.
In case you also have a druid there is this event that should have some night elves present too :slight_smile:


Thanks for the info! Is there a peak time you could expect people to be around?

Probably in the evenings and the weekends, it also depends if any of the larger guilds are there or out on their own adventure. If you have TRP3 you can use the search map option to check if anyone is in there if you wish to just do your other things so you don’t have to sit there and wait.
I do that between pve stuff and if I see folks are gathering I can just pop in :slight_smile:

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Sounds great, thank you very much

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Most of the night elf RP probably happens in Ashenvale/Feralas/Moonglade, but I’ve seen some night elf RP in the grove of Duskwood as well, if that’s something you’d be interested in!

However if you’re looking for something more solid in terms of RP, it might indeed be an idea to look at some of the kaldorei guilds out there. Many of them have an active forum thread as well. :slight_smile: Good luck in your search!


Duskwood grove can however be… difficult at time, “Politics”. I’ve seen some people in Val’sharah but for now it seems more event orientated but would love to see ot have more life.

To my knowledge there sadly isn’t any kaldorei RP outside the cities except the few guilds or the occasional public event like Lunar festival or Sentinel month a while back. Astranaar tends to have people mostly when some guilds stop by inbetween campaigns, other towns like Feathermoon Stronghold have been empty for at least a year.

One of my regrets is missing the Feathermoon scene when it was around. :slightly_frowning_face:


You need to join a kaldorei guild, theres lots of other factors but the tl;dr is the kaldorei community has always been very cliquey so trying to get in to it through random RP is like pulling teeth.

Head to Astranaar, that’s where most of the community bases out of. Guilds go on campaigns, and so it can be a bit hit or miss. There can be nights with no one around, though they’re few and far between, at least in my experience.

As is tradition, you’ll find people on the realm forum talking up various ideas about the woes of the community - usually people I’ve never once seen actually be around to try to RP. Or people carrying around ages old grudges that are no longer all that relevant. As such, I’d suggest you just spend some evenings in Astranaar to see for yourself. It isn’t the hub that Stormwind is, but there’s usually people around. Some are more talkative than others, of course. Maybe it won’t be to your liking, and that’s fair enough.

As mentioned elsewhere in the thread, if you’re planning on staying long term, I’d suggest joining a guild. It isn’t entirely necessary, as I know at least Moonrise Hermitage and the Nightblade Sentinels sometimes bring friends along on campaigns. Other guilds may as well, I just don’t know for sure. But it will definitely make things easier in general.


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