Keep layers. but unlock servers

This is the best solution in my opinion.

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Worst solution in my opinion

will conflict alot with the hardware which is bader then pirate servers, this will most likely not work cause “u cant just throw hardware at this issue” u actually have to pay for it and blizzard doesnt want to so. it will not work sry

Yes. Those servers need to be unlocked. But layers should also go away. I bet Firemaw already lost at least 10 % probably more of its players. It’s no fun playing in an empty world.

Unlocking realms would not cure that as it’s a layers problem.

It’s not just a layers problem. Firemaw has an issue with fresh blood atm. People just let alts get boosted in dungeons and all the lower level areas are empty because nobody bothers to level normally. There are just no new people on the server.

yes please unlock servers without allowing any QUEUE to appears.

Exactly. Go on Razorgore and Firemaw (if you have a char there) and do a comparison with a /who check in some popular zones. That alone should you give you a good idea of how bad the situation is for the popular realms like Firemaw etc. Basically when you lock the servers new players can’t join. And every day new players are picking up the game, and they need a server to play on. Likewise, people quit the game and take breaks… hence why all servers need ‘fresh blood’. But the locked servers can’t get that, and are suffering as a result.

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