Laptop for Shadowlands + Recording/Streaming

Hello WoW-Comminity

I’m currently looking for a World of Warcraft / Streaming or Recording / University Laptop. Hope there are some clever hardware guys out there to help me out. I’ve filled out some things i’d appreciate it has and what the budget is etc.

I know there are PC’s out there, but in my case, i’m just looking for the “all-in-one travel-buddy” :wink:

Total budget
Around 1800-2200 USD

Performance / Batterylife?
Batterylife should be around 6-8 hours when using microsoft word, powerpoint and/or Youtube streaming / Netflix streaming - Gamingwise, the battery should just be able to handle the gaming performance without overheating or heating too much. I’d prefer to prioritize good cooling, a strong GPU and CPU, and then atleast 500GB SSD

Screen Size?
No smaller than 13-inch. I could potentially buy a monitor for gaming aswell

Thanks A Lot

Looking forward hearing some suggestions :slight_smile:

Have a Nice day / Evening

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asus zephyrus g14 comes to mind as a small, powerful laptop with good battery life.

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Zephyrus is nice, pretty much anything with Ryzen 4800H/HS 4900H/HS, 16GB RAM and GPU like 1660 Super / Ti / 2060.

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Thanks for the advise! Will definetly be something i’ll keep an eye up for :blush:

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