Latest patch joke

You’re not very smart, are you? Time to ignore you from now on.

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People have been requesting updates to the Auction house for years, and many feral druids complained about their sounds being changed.

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I’m just on the forums right now, cuz im on stage 6 in uldum.

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Oh look, another clown who likes to make stuff up.

Then dont fly, just walk or use a ground mount, fixed Next Question


Nooooo, that can’t be true . I wanna see that! It can only be a minority! Because so many hate the new feral sounds, and also many hate the new auction house. or rather dislike

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Results for US forums:-

Results for EU forums:-

That’s true, because now mother did the puzzle for me, and I’m now on the final stage. I can take a screenshot if you want

Yes, dont you see it’s all dislike?

You call him troll, yet what he says is true. It is kind of sad to see how Blizzard has to navigate on this sea of complaints. They are damned if they do and they are damned if they do not.

Is there never end to those special modern day self entitlement ?

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Oh my, you used “clown card”. You forgot to add “ape” and “animal”. That’s broken insult combo, trust me.

Hmm let’s see:
- people TOLD blizzard they DON’T want to do WORLD QUESTS AND DAILIES to be competitive in arenas/bg/M+/raids
What blizzard did?
- introduced AGAIN two reputations with essences locked behind them with no other way of getting them than doing repetitive and boring content, wow

They sure listened to players, sure it’s what’s everyone wanted and hoped for, I just love to waste my free time doing those entertaining world quests <3
/sarc off


Yes they disliked the sounds that Blizzard had changed them to, before this update.

So they were unhappy. So it was more than a minority who did not like them.

Which has absolutely nothing to do with iterating based on player feedback but even then you’re wrong

They gave the stats for 8.2

More than 20k bugs identified by PTR feedback, 8k of which were bugs that Blizzard didn’t identify themselves beforehand.

Even now you’re talking about bugs but that’s nothing compared to how the PTR behaved at first

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Hahaha, you have no idea, some of the regulars here are Blizzards harshest critics…

More than 20k bugs identified, but not applied / fixed xD Do you really think they give a I mean I have played a lot of Call of duty, I know activision just a tiny bit, and that is they love money.

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Nope they were fixed, there was at best a hundred bugs in the 8.2 patch which were fixed in the next weeks through hotfixes

Edit : anyway I fed the troll for long enough.

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Great they fixed it! Now where is pvp vendors?

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… behind you!

I only see my bed.

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well if u play Classic u walk around if u play Retail u fly around… :laughing: