Legendary cloak upgrades

Sorry guys but to farm 40 000 essences per week to get another upgrade of legendary cape, thats way to much farm, even for main. 10k per each simply to much.

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Just focus on the big assault (1 vessel) the 2x 5500 small assault, and the daily small visions for 1500 (+3000 for the first in the week). In total you have played then like 60-90 minutes.


40k now 50k later then 60k, do you realy want the system like this for your main or even alt?

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I wonder what you did with the keys in the past week.
I’ve done every upgrade, boosted 2 keys for guild wasting keys i could have saved, and i’ve still got like 2 or 3 of them before doing any of this week assaults, quest etc.

sorry Tahen that not everyone is as awesome and elitist like you are. if you cannot come with something helpfull shut up at least


I’m very far from elitist, i just ask how many run the guy did to have no spare keys left.
The amount of page needed each week has been on wowhead forever, so planning ahead is absolutely possible to get upgrades every week without living in front of the screen farming.

I can say the same about you.


Im more pissed about the fact that you cannot experiment there with masks or try risky runs or train…you have to waste all keys for upgrade to run safely. Thats imo dumb about visions.

Gimme atleast more fuking pages per clear with masks gddmnt.

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My only limit is time… life… work, girlfriend,old parrents, 2 or more hours per week spended in secondary wow content is a lot for me, i cant expect from students or kids any kind of understanding, anyway ask me like that is bit silly, man :slightly_smiling_face:

That i think is on purpouse. A full run with all mask is a 470 item, i guess they made the upgrade path so big to avoid having the ususual suspects making those full runs and getting 2-3 extra 470 item a week.

You only get 1 piece in every loot ‘tier’. Clearing the vision with 5 masks is just 1 475 item. The next time that week is a 1 tier lower item 465. (i have to wowhead for the tiers so i might be 5 ilvl’s off).

Then, don’t do it if you have no time for it.

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Of course thats a solution to not to do however is it realy neccesary to be punished in all content (m+), just becouse i am just an regular adult guy, to be honnest WQ grind isnt the most popular or fun thing to do in WOW xd

I guess it’s 470 for 5 masks becouse i had 460 3 masks :smiley:

yes you are right :slight_smile:

Main Objective Only (Thrall or Alleria) 420
Main Objective + 2 Bonus 430
Full Clear (All 5 Objectives) 445
Full Clear + 1 Mask 450
Full Clear + 2 Masks 455
Full Clear + 3 Masks 460
Full Clear + 4 Masks 465
Full Clear + 5 Masks 470

I’m pretty much convinced full mask clear is kinda impossible for now ( at least stormwind). That %400 sanity damage mask and half sanity mask are scary. Maybe with rank 12 proc it will become easier. Jumping 3 to 4 mask atm is nightmare. Alleria becomes too op.

I never will understand, why not let people have trial runs with no rewards just to purely strategically plan.
It is already a simulator in lore, as in its WHAT COULD BE, if nzoth comes

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Fun, I dared to experiment with masks. While also I haven’t bothered with doing every single daily because outside of m+/arena/raid the game is God damn boring.

Blizz doesn’t like that though, they want me to don’t risk and have fun with visions, spend less time doing organized content and to top it all up log in daily to do absolute garbage content to at least keep up.

Yeah, F that noise Ion.


It’s been done already. Was done in org too last week. People have already got the FoS.

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i have fallen way behind as it just dont have the time being a parent of 3 children, and having to work for a living i find very little tine to do this on 1 char nevermind any alts, it’s just blizzards way to try and keep people playing longer till shadowlands.

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Mate if you can’t afford 2 hours a week to dailies, and I mean this in the nicest possible way, you’d be better off with another game. An sub MMO is never going to be aimed at people who have <2 hours a week. IMO the dailies are pretty fun and varied (if getting abit stale this many weeks in), the visions themselves are enjoyable and if your a casual player that doesn’t have much time you don’t NEED high level cloak for anything so can just skip it and focus on what you want.

The game shouldn’t be nerfed because of your low number of hours. Plenty of games where you can make big progress in 2 hours, resident evil 2 is fun, I really enjoy mass effect, various games. And this is coming from someone working full time, so stop being so obnoxious assuming anyone with 2+ hours a week is a kid or a student…

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