Level req for invasion event

Hello. Do I have to be 60 in order to participate and get the Argent Dawn tabard in the upcoming invasion event in classic wow ?

The tabard quest has a level 50 requirement according to wowhead. Wowhead isn’t always correct, but don’t see any reason to doubt the information in this case.


Awesome. Do you have any idea what level the invasion mobs are at the spawn points?

I can’t remember, but I wouldn’t count on having an easy time soloing them as a level 50 warrior.


Not sure how the population is on your server but most likely all spawns will be camped by level 60s a lot.

This. On any reasonably populated server there will be entire raid groups competing for tags at every spawn point. The “damage against undead” drops from the bosses are BiS Naxx gear according to the latest theorycrafting, at leasy for Mages, and the blessed grindstones and oils are obviously best for naxx farm / speedrunning as well.
Expect it to be heavily contested, at least for the first week or two.

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