LF players in classic era

Hello i have clonned my 60 warrior on razorgore eu and i see no one ever plays classic era i feel a bit lonely in classic era is there any classic era player who continues to play classic era? Or any guild

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Much ppl on pyrewood alliance (pve cluster). 200+ on weekends and raids going on every week. zg to aq 20 so far. When fresh comes you can just server change :+1:

I just have to ask (sorry for derailment)! What did you do to this rabid worgen to make him this broken? :joy:


To be honest, I’m even a little confused on that front :sweat_smile:
There are some people trying to advertice fake servers, ill bash them with facts and now this random comes along (probably an alt of the adverticers).

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Most players in Classic Era are on the PvE realms.
I can not explain why it is so. But the PvP segment mostly left for TBCC and more of the PvE segment either stayed in Classic Era or cloned or split their charaters between the two Classic games

Age gap mostly (25- 30+)

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Yeah, Actiblizz doesn’t care.
It’s more popular to quit than to play WoW atm, so don’t get your hopes up. The game is ruined.

Not sure. I’m 43, but never played wow when I was young and beautiful.

I would assume there are probably quite a few younger (30 and less) players out there who were too young at the time but love the original wow experience

I started playing WoW when my daughter finished school and went to university. And I am playing on Rp-PvP for exactly the experience I missed back in old days when people played Ultima, Lineage and the original WoW - but I had a kid, a family and three jobs so never played mmorpg. And I met many players of about my age who also started playing only in Classic and they all wanted rp-pvp for that very true immersion. So yeah, the age reference up there looks at least unfounded to me.

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