Little things that kill the joy in Classic :)

I personally really miss my auto dismount. Usually when you cast something while on the mount you get dismounted. Now tou have to click or keybind your mount yo get off again, this is literally the only small frustration i have thusfar

You are correct I haven’t played on any private servers but I also have my Brady games guide from when I first installed WoW back in March 2005.

My memory from back then was of having lots of half finished quests because the drop rate on quest items was so bad back in the day. Just because you are sued to private servers where they have played around with drops to make it feel less grindy changes nothing.

To be honest though I am even more surprised that only 30 wolves has allowed you to ding 3 times, what exp potions are you using and where do you get them from?




exp potions is a thing in wow?

I can tailor you 6-sloth linen bags :smiley:

This. It’s almost impossible to find normal groups for Dungeons like SM Cath etc

of course xd

no, you won’t die. Blink! frost nova. safe.

huntards can feign death
rogues can vanish or sprint away, as can druids
priests have a shield
etc etc , almost every class has some ‘hail mary’ survive ability.

on my server enough people feel like this and make ‘traditional 5 man groups’

1/ dynamic respawn that dont include named NPC, so every1 has regular mobs and makes HUGE crowd at spawn location of one named NPC with 5+ minutes respawn time
2/ AoE farming dungeons, unable to find healers, casters and warrior tanks for normal run

  1. The amount of spam on every single channel for “CLEAVE xDungeon” is really starting to get on my nerves.
  2. Spam for “invite to layer”.
  3. Mentality of people to just follow a herd of retards doing the same thing, even if it’s something stupid.
  4. Getting the occasional twitch kiddie in a group (god how can people be like that and speak that way? I wonder what will happen in the future life of those kids who are simply unable to communicate with another human being)
  5. Walking a thousand miles between quests and upon delivery of a quest the quest giver sends you to the exact same place.
  6. Resists/Misses.
  7. Dungeons having mobs of level 18 at the start and 26 at the end.
  8. Leveling certain classes is an absolute horror experience.
  9. Certain classes/builds being rejected for not playing the meta spec.
  10. People being dicks tagging mobs, stealing nodes, killing named mobs, etc.
  11. Pets not having an assist mode.
  12. Bug when a mob is feared and runs around endlessly.
  13. Bug when a mob has an infinite reach if something like your pet growls at him while running away.
  14. Exploiters.
  15. World PvP can mostly be summarized as 6 vs 1 events.
  16. Getting to a point in a given area where all your quests become red and force you to move to another location (many times not giving any indication or having a particular reason for doing so).
  17. #noChanges purists who are stupid to the point on not even being able to think before considering what people are saying.
  18. People claiming that the community in the game is of the purest form and everyone is an altruistic god while in reality they cannot see that it’s mostly out of self interest and if there was nothing to gain you’dd probably be ignored (although there are genuinely nice people out there ofc).
  19. Organized mafias (read stupidity) between players/guilds with the purpose of dominating the server economy and ruining the experience for everyone else.
  20. Mostly the fact that back in the day people actually played what they thought would be fun and in their own way. Nowadays it’s all about metagaming copying a build from somewhere online and going along with everything the other mindless bots are doing.

tl;dr: The game may have may flaws and lack of overall QoL which I can tolerate, it’s people acting solely with their self interest in mind, the overall lack of respect for others and the mob mentality (e.g. everyone boarding the cleave train) that really ruins the experience for me.

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simple macro to solve that…

you need to get ww axe and go spinny boy

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