Living Flame and Lone Wolf Realms Temporarily Locked to New Players

Nope, two server get popular instant, they lock them, and the rest of us can just find another game i guess :stuck_out_tongue:

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I can, but I’d like to play this one, this multiplayer game, with my friends, who could have guessed right?

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i am in the same boat mate, but you know… Nothing new its the same problem as always even tho blizzard has been providing this game for decades and still havent fixed their capacity on their servers so friends can play together:-)

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Honestly, I’d rather spend 30 min in queue, than not having the option at all due to being locked out.
What if 70% of the Horde pop gives 2 cents about Aschenvale WPVP, are they going to start kicking people of the server then to retain balance? Or lock people out of Aschenvale, because it isn’t “fair”?

Agree, by the time we get lucky to get into the server, thats when people slowly stops playing again. I dont know why its so hard to make a stable balance system, that doesnt block people out of the servers so they cant play with their friends

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Guess I’m the fool for giving them a 6 month sub for SoD, that I might not be using :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yea cancel that immediately mate, its not worth to support this game, when your only option is to sit on a dead server where all the " leftovers" are, who didnt get here in time to play on the populars servers with their friends :stuck_out_tongue: I dont know why i am so suprised, its the same as always, but i am quite stunned that this can keep happending :smiley:


Come on Blizz, at least let people transfer off if you cant unlock the servers.
The alternative is a lot of us just wont play at all.


I paid for all 6 already :stuck_out_tongue: Money well spent…

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pretty sure you can refund.

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I have reached out for it, not having any hopes of more than a bot response

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:smiley: :smiley: well i believe its gonna be a bot for sure, but you bought something that wasn’t what you hoped for, the game has locked you out, to play with your friends, hurray!

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Spamming create character doesnt help. The servers apparently have to get unlocked manually, so there’s no point in that. Best thing we can all do is keeping on checking the forum.

Yep and wait for an unlock while at work again ^^

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Now they changed information for server Living Flame, 2 hours ago was Full and now Locked, in realm status website

Living Flame PvP Locked CET Seasonal

what i heard, the time opening of the possibility to create a toon on those two locked servers, isn’t for a quite long time it is possible :-/

Fair enough! I’m very excited to have paid 15 bucks to refresh these forums and read what you beautiful people have to say!

Wait, I didn’t need to pay for that? Let’s refund then!


Does it makes sense to lock the 2 servers? yes.
Does it makes sense to not allow free transfers from these 2 to Chaos bolt? No.

Let people play with their friends on Chaos Bolt if thats their only option. You make them quit instead right now with this policy.


again, nothing new, its the same mistake over and over :slight_smile:

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This is exactly how I feel.
I’ve stopped playing entirely for the time being.

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