Living Flame and Lone Wolf Realms Temporarily Locked to New Players

BLIZZARD Open Living Flame plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz




How hard can it be to communicate with your paying customers? No wonder people are leaving your company,




Bump for good measure, if nothing else works, storm the gates!




still no information ! how long we have to wait to play ?

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clearly. stopping people from playing is more important than getting rid of bots

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Imagine subbing and not even being allowed to play on the same server as your friends.


bump 10chars

This is a completely unacceptable treatment against your community of players who were unable to be there on launch with their friends. I’ve been away on holiday for the last 5 days and come to find out that now I’m ready to play with my friends you’ve made it completely unfeasible for us to do just that.

It’s too punishing on the players who weren’t able to make launch because of other commitments.

We pay you to play this game, and you’re telling us we cannot play with our friends because of a server they chose. It’s not even possible for them to move servers, and it’s completely nonsensical to expect people to put in double the effort to play multiple characters across multiple realms.

Sort it out, this isn’t good enough.


please need news blizzard

it’s morning we can unblock a little

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Unlock the server please, I’m already playing but we need new player income to the server. Literally dying economy…

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They are killing the server like they did with thekal, good job bli$$ard

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This is getting silly now Blizzard. It’s the only server that is on lock status atm. Which is not needed. Unlock the server so people can play with their friends. It’s a seasonal server as well, meaning there are limited time. And by every day that passes, less and less time.

There are 100’s of bots running around, but us players are not allowed in…

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