I would recommend everyone to cancel the subscription it will be the only way blizzard will listen when u get them where it hurts the money they dont spend on server!
for only 49,99$!
Mest right, Im comming to do that
Can you at least tell us when or will they be unlocked, I want to cancel my sub if I am not going to be able to play with my friends.
wtf want to play with my friends , pls blizz dont ruin my weekend
are you guys working on microtransactions to allow us to create a character on our friends’s realm or what? What is the point of opening new realms where NO ONE will want to play alone ? Distract from the fact that you don’t have a better solution because Blizzard doesn’t care about the playerbase enough to prepare for the sod launch in advance?
20 years of experience and still one of the worst MMO company around, thanks blizzard. After 4 hours queue I cannot create a character.
Thanks Blizzard, now i can’t play with my brother…
I know you are trying to listen to the community if only a bit more this time.
So maybe you’ll read this ? Please make it so you can still add at least 1 of your friends to the server, even if locked.
Or communicate when it will be unlocked ? You can do it Blizzard !
Please I just want to play with my brother…
Is it even possible to refund sub?
Let me know if you find out…
keep launching new servers, no way i play there haha
… and they you will get:
WTS Living Flame server spot 100$
That’s not an option… we need something else - and the time is of the essence here
Why would i make a character on a different server while all my friends are on these servers? Pay the transfer again when the server unlocks?
Am I the only one who made a character on lone wolf before the server lock, decided I would not play without my friends and will now forever block a realm slot with my lvl 1 character I will never touch again?
Same here, just on Living Flame
GLHF Blizz…
Great, 5 hours of queue to get in and not be able to create a character and play with my friends.
Thanks for ruining it all.
Hopefully they refund the subscriptions, cause this is not acceptable.
good job its the only way they will know how hard they messed up
5 hours of queue and can’t create a character to play with my friends
Thank you blizzard, can u refund the money?
And there it already is, the option to pay for realm change in the character screen.
Blizzard great job!!! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$