Long awaited backpack locked behind 10 months of RAF

Ion after he read your suggestion / reply.


To be fair the first requests for alternatives cloaks were made in what, Wotlk iirc ? At least that’s the first ones i remember.

I’m pretty sure up to Wod we only had symetric cloaks and that they only managed to make something else than a cloak as back item for the tauren heritage armor.

Not to excuse anything, just wanted to talk about this specific point.

(Seems like folks believe you object their entire post when replying to a single sentence so i’d rather explain beforehand)

I guess eerything we ask for from now on will be like this :zipper_mouth_face:

The developers that developed those games have long since abandoned ship.

This is why I’m hoping this is just the first model to be introduced in the game. They did talk about introducing quivers and other back items, as something for the future. So I’m hoping that no later than 9.0 we will get them in game. It would be a nice transmog feature to announce for a new expansion.

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I’m not even mad about this… just disappointed…

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