Looking for casual guild [HORDE]

Hi there,

I play mostly on weekends and I started to get bored of doing heroics and have no one to play and progress with.

If your guild has a room for a father of 2 that is a filthy casual blasting machine (I wish), well at least I ain’t a scrub, please consider adding me.


I hope that this doesn’t show my classic character. I play on Sporeggar with a Fire Mage that goes by the name of Chlorine.

Hi, me and few pals have set up a small guild that just does casual M+ runs, gear up alts and generally have a laugh, hit me up in game or search for Mythic Mongooses :smiley:

Thanks for the invite mate but I’ve got a guild Thursday night.


Hiya, if you’re still looking for a home then please check us out

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