Looking for community

hi, I am looking for a community or guild where people still write a lot via chat, like in the past. Just for entertainment nothing specific, but also like where people help each other and answer questions, etc.
I come from Germany and try to improve my English, so reading and writing is important to me.

Hi Donniesarkos, if you wish, contant Moje-Kazzak, it is my char with fresh guild, looking to expand and to create social / casual guild where people ‘‘act’’ like classic people did, with lots of daily chatting. You can also choose to be officer and help me grow guild, officers can even withdraw gold and use bank fully, so if you want, you are free to join.

Hello, that is very nice of you to reply. That sounds good, I will write to you in a few days, I am not playing much at the moment because it is so warm :smiley:

Have a nice weekend.

Also you can sign up to join guild named Sun Tzu - Kazzak, very nice guild, my main is in there, because my guild on alt is very small (only 3 players) its better for yu to join Sun Tzu guild, there are sometimes 40+ ppl online, its an active guild

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