Looking for macro help

hello all,

while playing as healer and using arena target binds for my team mates i find it frustrating to have each player binded to one button, i am not really a piano player so i have trouble with soo many binds x)

what i am asking is for a macro that i can use to press once and jump from arena target 1 another press goes to arena target 2 and lastly to arena target 3, is it possible to have a macro do this?

thank you in advance guys, would be a massive help.

You can use modifiers (ctrl/shift/alt) to switch targets on a single action button. Would let you keep your hand over on the left side of the keyboard and not need to stretch over to 6-=. You can further limit your need to splay your hand by binding mouse keys to ctrl/shift/alt assuming you have a gaming mouse with extra thumb buttons.

Alt: Self
Shift: Party1
Ctrl: Party2
Mouseover > Target > TargetTarget > Default

/cast [mod:alt,@player] [mod:shift,@party1] [mod:ctrl,@party2][@mouseover,help,nodead] [help] [@targettarget,help,nodead] [] HELP SPELL

Alt: Arena1
Shift: Arena2
Ctrl: Arena3
Mouseover > Target > TargetTarget > Default

/cast [mod:alt,@arena1] [mod:shift,@arena2] [mod:ctrl,@arena3] [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [harm] [@targettarget,harm,nodead] [] HARM SPELL

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