Lore behind Guardian druid mage tower appearance

I have just recently started to think about the bear form that is given to players from the mage tower in legion, that hulking werebear creature.
And after looking about on youtube and google, I have found nothing at all. If there is anything then it is talking about how to acquire it and the strategies to get it, but never really the lore behind it if there is any.

Is there anyone sitting with the hidden lore behind this monstrous creature or is it completely dead on lore?
This is a very serious question so please be civil.

There isn’t any confirmed lore from what I’ve personally researched, but there has been speculation for it being tied to an ancient race of furbolgs known as Jalgar.

It’s called Might of the Grizzlemaw;
Grizzlemaw is the Furbolg city in the Grizzly Hills.
The locals are adherents of Ursol, brother of Ursoc the Bear ancient, whom died defending Azeroth from the Legion invasion during the War of the Ancients.

My first guess is that it’s something of an Avatar of Ursol form, because it’s basicly a roided up Furbolg.

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Pretty much all of this.
It is also canon that the Furbolg have druids, so it isn’t too far fetched to believe that this form was taught by them.

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