Lose the Slide Whistle (Shell Game)

Can you please, for the love of everything sane, get rid of that damnable slide whistle sound in the Shell Game world quest.

In fact, get rid of the clicking noise too. The new sounds are awful. I have to CTL+S whenever doing this World Quest now, it’s beyond annoying.


I think i see where this is going:

“Actually, just get rid of the Shell Game world quest”

Should hear the new feral druid sounds. I don’t understand the sound changes since 8.2 and now in 8.3, actually. Blizzard always used to be absolutely stellar with their audio.

Oh my God. That’s awful. That’s so bad it would be funny if it weren’t annoying.

Who in there is doing this? Have they had a hearing test recently?

Short-sighted. Where this should be going is: get rid of ALL the gimmick World Quests!

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I Totally agree… Now it sounds like an 80’s arcade game… plz…

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i havent heard any sound effects in the shell games. did they add this in the latest patch?

Yes. There is a slide whistle noise when you fail to make a match (kinda like a terrible version of a sad trombone noise). They’ve also added more sound effects to other parts of it, so the shells make a noise when they rotate. This bugged out on me last night and the clicking noises just didn’t stop.


I used to like that quest, until yesterday :unamused:
I like the Kirin’tor/Tortollan kind of quests, just because they are something different and I like the variety they add to the game.

Thought it was some add-on that added that sound on my end. lol

Imagine, they spent some time adding this sound instead of working on something else for 8.3 :crazy_face: :roll_eyes:

Oh god who TF had this idea? It’s worse than Sheldon playing Teremin (or how was that contraption called)…

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Hahaha. Good to read I am not the only one :smiley: This sound was not needed. By the way, also for barrels of fun in legion. I might still farm paragon mounts :zipper_mouth_face:

When I did it the first time I thought some add-on added it. Easy to think like that since it sounded so cheap and idiotic.

I honestly don’t get why they went and added that. Surely it was fine without and if not I’m sure they could do way better than what we have now.


Here is one conspiracy theory. That sound is distracting and extends completion time of that quest, which means you will stay longer in the game. If that sounds distracts you for 30 sec per quest in average, it makes 3.000 seconds more time spent in game for a player in 100 quests, I got used to it now but it was really distracting at first, still I used to finish those quests faster before the noise.

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Well, that was fast.

It’s GONE!!


Really? Great!

Now if they could make Vision tickets stack as well…

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