Lost 100% on horde, lost 100% on alliance

That all what u should post here, not this wall of text, that going after.

Honestly, very lame and disgusting position:

“I play random mode in premade, ignoring rules, because I want easy wins, because I don’t wanna play with random ppl, but I play random mode, but I am so cool and so much better than all of you, that u all must suffer in games in random mode vs my premades because of i want play premade on random bg, because u all random ppl on random bg, that I choose to play, but I don’t know u and don’t wanna play with u…etc.”

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Day time BG’s are not fun at all … Avoid them at all cost!

Queue with a friend or two, it’s really that simple.

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That guy is very nice player. Playing with him everyday and he wins all bgs. Do as he says ^^

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LOL - Lets see…

Click on Friends Name > Invite to Group, do same with 3 more friends, Click Join Battleground.

All part of the standard UI, so I very much doubt it’s not fully supported and within the rules do you?

Hell you can use the built in voice coms now if you really want.

It is a roll of the die.

Sometimes you can win 10 BGs in a row, other times you can lose 10 BGs in a row. There is nothing you can do in random BG queues except pray and hope for the best.

Depending on your character’s gear, BG size & your proficiency, you should be able to affect 2-20% of the outcomes in the smaller BGs, for better or worse. But given how randomness works, that won’t guarantee a win.

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