LVL 1 Orc Race Nethergarde Keep

Sounds fun

The point is that you’re completely misunderstanding the reasons for ppl to join such an event. If I joined a race like this one, I wouldn’t do it so that some idiot crashes the event and the whole crashing becomes viral on Youtube. I wouldn’t give a damn, I just want to have a nice race.

Your idea that people should be happy to get griefed because, this way, their (ruined) event makes it to the social media is beyond stupid.

Yet the video is really memorable but you’ve tried to deny it in the first place
Who said I liked what they have done? I didn’t like it.
But that video became popular and memorable, you just can’t deny it.

And the people who were actually griefed probably didn’t care in the first place, they were just trying to have a nice event which was ruined.

Then again, they chose to play on a PvP server so they kinda had it coming, but Miyalee’s point (and my own as well) is that many of us play on PvE server specifically to avoid having to deal with this. The fact this event went viral is totally irrelevant.

Yes, the funeral was made immortal because of griefers.

That wouldn’t happen with this event though. They were still able to have a funeral even with the PVP guild; a guild could make this event completely impossible if they wanted.

Miylee isn’t a paladin, by the way.

That’s the fact I’ve discussed with you from the very beginning, but you went with your “you’re defending grieferes. I prefer PvE servers”. Lmao
I don’t care which server your prefer. I don’t think they did a good thing, but you said “this video is popular only among grieferes” that can’t be true. For example you and that draenei know about this video. You don’t consider yourself a griefer.

Fair enough, but points still stands: why should ppl care about this?

Ask the people, I don’t know why exactly it’s one of the viral videos about WoW.

No what I mean is - why should the fact this video is viral even matter to the topic at hand?

As you said it popular only among griefers. I disagreed, as it is popular among other wow players as well.

You also said

And I’m asking you why does it even matter.

Dunno? You’re the one who said it in the first place :smiley:

Lol I literally have your quote above. You are the one who said it. Are you trying to just troll at this point?

You said that this even was memorable only

to which I didn’t agree with you and you started this whole convo

I find it fascinating that you’re fixating on that,instead of trying to explain why it matters that the event was “memorable”.


“This whole convo” is the damn topic, not the one point you chose to focus on (i.e. whether the event was known to griefers only or not).

It was memorable as everyone till today know about this event, that’s why.

And why does it matter? Just for the sake of refreshing your (shaky, apparently) memory, Miylee posted the video above while saying:

The point he was trying to make is that you can’t really have events like these on a PvP servers without some moron trying to ruin/disrupt it for the sake of it, which is why this sort of thing (you know, the event in the damn TOPIC) is happening on a PvE server - much to the chagrin of idiots like Cosmokramer and such.

Why would it matter that the griefing/disruption itself caused the event to become viral on Youtube? Do you really think most participants in such events care more about “becoming famous” (as poor griefed saps, no less) rather than just enjoying their own event?

As you said it was only memorable for the griefers, to which I did not agree. I think this video is memorable for every classic player.
Your opinion on what they did is another question, everyone can have a different opinion on that.

Which is why I’m referring to what you said before I brought up that point. But I can see that you’re so affectionate to that one point that you can’t handle being called into question on something else.

It’s not a matter of one’s “opinion on what they did”. I’m not here to discuss whether it was right to disrupt that funeral event or w/e - everyone there plays on a PvP server, so they consented to the griefing (heck, the players involved could’ve held their ceremony in a main city or something if they didn’t want to be griefed).

What I’m objecting to is the mentality of braindead morons like you and Cosmokramer who ridicule an event like this simply because it happens on a PvE server where nobody can, as you said,

Bottom line - piss off and go back to your stupid PvP server. Enjoy the mindless gank while it lasts, since nobody will care about you in 1 year or so.

This video would never become popular if it would happen on PvE realm. That’s how simple is that.

very mature

P.S. I play on PvE as well