MACRO for spirit walk = ghost wolf

Good afternoon, I looked for this anywhere but to no avail.

Im looking for a macro that casts first SPIRIT WALK (night fae-s skill) and its 3-4 teleport afterwards, then the macro changes to “ghost wolf”. Problem is that I only get to do something like:
/castsequence Spirit walk, spirit walk, spirit walk, ghost wolf

Problem is… when I do the ghost wolf it changes to the spirit walk (which is on CD)… can’t figure out how to stay on ghost wolf until spirit walk is back ready to use…

Any suggestions??

Spirit Walk is an Enhancement ability. Has nothing to do with covenants.

As for the issue, the whole point of a castsequence is to advance to the next spell in the sequence on press. You’d be way better off using a modifier macro instead

/cast [nomod,spec:2] Spirit Walk; Ghost Wolf

Hit a modifier (ctrl/shift/alt) + key to Ghost Wolf (unless you’re not Enhance) regular press Spirit Walks.

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