Macro with a chat interaction causing spam

Hi, My current macro is a bit spammy showing multiple lines if I click it multiple times. Is it possible to add a wait timer to the macro to prevent this and only cast when ability x is available and not after or before. This is my current macro, assistance would be greatly appreciated.

/me casts [Light of Dawn]! Embrace my light!
/cast Light of Dawn

I think the easiest is to only send a message if your ability is not on CD. Didn’t test it but something like this should work:

/run if GetSpellCooldown(“Light of Dawn”)==0 then SendChatMessage(“Some message”, “EMOTE”) end
/cast Light of Dawn

So for your message that would be:

/run if GetSpellCooldown(“Light of Dawn”)==0 then SendChatMessage(“casts [Light of Dawn]! Embrace my light!”, “EMOTE”) end
/cast Light of Dawn

(this time I tested it ^^)


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