Mage tower sucks nerf it

Who cares when he got his mage tower achi? It’s not like people can’t get better as time goes on. I also find it funny how you’re talking big game in here and throwing around buying boosts while you’re the one who bought a boost for full SoD heroic 5 days ago.


I did it unprepared with unsocketed Crit/Vers PvP gear. Consumables: Crit food, rune, sharpening stone, flask and didn’t even have drums since they were filthy expensive on my server. Basic Shadowlands enchants, not a single piece of old gear, or something specifically farmed for it. I died a few times but it was doable.
I can’t speak for the other challenges as i haven’t tried them yet, but Arms is 100% possible with basic gear. Farming a TW set and using legacy enchants will make it easier, but it is not required.

Its doable, people who did in Legion and now said there is no difference. I’m personally not tested it yet.

Havent played it myself yet but i remember back in the day this was also an issue :smiley:
Don’t think it’s a bug it is a challenge not everyone meant to get it.

It is a challenge not everyone meant to get it. It was also like this back in the day only difference is during antorus we kinda overgeared it but still many people were complaining about how hard it is.
You can specifically gear for that btw if you think it will help but as i remember mage towers issue was mechanics not the unavoidable things.
Like you said kinda git gud issue also i don’t really understand your reason of unsubbing.

I did it in Legion. They’ve changed it.

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you say that but for example the healer challenge is absurdly hard on mistweaver, considering you have no interrupt or spammable cc for the casters, but then resto shaman has a interrupt and druids can spam cc constantly.

Cant you paralyze the caster?

It’s absurdly hard as a priest as well because they’ve changed the mobs.

That’s the wrong attitude from a game.
It is meant to be fun. For everyone.

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every 30 sec yea, but that’s a short term solution when they cast this constantly

Did when on 1-st tower opens or when it was overgear on 2-nd?

Don’t people still do that for timewalking dungeons to make them easier? Why should the mage tower be any different since it’s also part of timewalking content?


Not saying it doesn’t. As I said I haven’t tried any of them yet, but they’ve been done by many in the first couple hours, while we’ve got another two weeks. Some of them might deserve a bit of tuning, and I have no doubts some will be nerfed. What I’m saying is that it’s very silly to complain after only a few hours of the mage tower being available. Not everything has to be completable easily. In fact it shouldn’t, and if it’s not challenging for a casual player, it’s not challenging at all.

I’m not about to study the encounter now just to have something to say to all of that. Again, people have already finished it, and there are already guides from just hours ago. That you aren’t willing to try just because it’s not doable the exact same way as last time is your problem and nobody else’s.

I haven’t tried it myself yet since i am at work. And it is very possible i will see it in the weekend. Just trying to help. But paralysis is … 45-60 seconds, isn’t it? So you can keep the caster forever disabled.

No, CCs only last 8 seconds first time and then diminishing return sets in on subsequent CCs in the mage tower.

That is perfectly awesome :sweat_smile:

If we could use the Borrowed power we have to make up for the lack of borrowed power we lost, it wouldn’t be that bad. Even if it’s only current tier legos.

I managed to get to the 2nd phase, but couldn’t even do enough damage to really get any further.
The fact you need to go get old gear just to force more gem slots is a sign it’s a bit borked.

Especially since I need to use mats to switch talents mid fight because I don’t have the artifact Borrowed power any more.
I have all the Tower weapon skins do. So that’s something.

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Downscaling never worked well. Missing stuff from Legion and the new class design make it harder than back to Legion release. It also seems that you need a cheat death trinket to survive the last Annihilate from Kruul, but I will not give up :wink:

And that’s is how challenges are beaten. Not by giving up and complaining until it’s not longer a challenge.

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It’s been mentioned many times that the healer challenge is probably broken, as in literally bugged. I don’t know that particular challenge nor do I know MW particularly well so I can’t help you, but I’m not talking to people like you when I tell them that they can do it if they just get a little better.