Mage tower sucks nerf it

I think that’s a problem lots of people miss as well.
Where as some classes don’t have the same kit they had back in legion, many losing out on skills that were mandatory for doing the job.

Just slapping the same challenge down, doesn’t really work for many classes.


Why would I waste my time doing it when it’s tuned wrong and could do something more fun until they’ve fixed the tuning?

As I said, it’s subjective. I’d personally feel like I’ve achieved more if I finished a harder version of an encounter. If you don’t think it’s worth the effort for you, then that’s all fine, but plenty of people want to challenge themselves.

The issue I have is that you seem to be asking for a free handout that you can be done with in half an hour, and you’re asking for a nerf that will affect everybody, just so you can get your set without effort.

Asking for it to be like it was in Legion, what it was advertised as, is asking for a free handout? Lmfao.


Not everything no, but the game has plenty of that kind of crap already.
This is a time limited thing. It SHOULD be completable ‘fairly’ easy.

Fine with me tbh. Better too easy than too hard.

  1. True it doesn’t matter.
  2. It wasn’t a boost, and as a matter of fact there were 5 people who are in the same university as I am and we play different games on different days. Now, I am not sure if they are boosting or not, and quiet truly i dont care as I put in my work into doing so.

I was looking forward to it, but so far i havent been able to get past p1. Will try some more, but seems a bit punishing if you dont play absolutely perfect (yes yes, i need to git gud blah blah).

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No, you’re fine.
The game needs to ‘git tuned’.


That’s because they changed the mobs, the mages are doing an absurd amount of damage. You could go to 3 stacks on the mages without problems in Legion. Now you’ll wipe before they reach that, you need to be spamming dispels on them, lol. Can’t even just take 3 stacks and then stun them and let it drop off, no, you need to be constantly spending GCDs on dispelling them one stack at a time instead of DPSing them.

Something that bothers me though.
Instead of winding DOWN gear.
Why don’t they give us pre made gear to fight the boss in? If it’s designed to be a specific ILVL

That was you get no BS and you don’t have people trying to cheese it with Chromie time gem boost armor?

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Yeah i just dont seem to have enough time to heal, interrupt, purge, heal, stun, heal, purge, interrupt to avoid one of the npc’s dying :sweat_smile: i’ll try again later, managed to get to wave 4 before i gave up :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I count 9 pieces of socketed gear, and again consumables. “unprepared”

As I already said, go ahead and throw on Heirloom gear (If it’s even BFA level it goes to ilvl 50+) and do it. No enchants. No consumes.

It’s funny watching some 1 poster come in here and say something like that.

Yes, because it would be effortless for you. You clearly don’t like the challenge part, you just want the reward.

There’s a way more easily doable stuff in the game than there is challenging stuff. The game is primarily casual, with a few optional activities that are actually challenging. Mage tower was never advertised as casual friendly, because it was never meant to be that.

Not as time limited as the original version. This one will keep coming back with timewalking. And I’m sorry, but if a casual player gets a over a challenge in a just few attempts, it’s not challenging. That’s not how challenges work. Things that aren’t mean to be easy can’t be beaten “fairly” easily. That would make them “fairly” easy, not difficult.

Then it’s effortless and the reward has zero value.

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I want what was advertised, the mage tower from Legion. That’s not asking for a handout.

It was never going to be the mage tower from Legion because we don’t have Legion artifacts, Legion legendaries or Legion spec design. You are complaining because you can’t brainlessly go in and beat the encounter, not because it’s slightly different.

Shouldn’t it be doable without purging? Shaman is the only healer with one, isn’t it? :thinking: And it costs a ton of mana.

Please, I know you’re smarter than this, just go try it and come back.
I was looking forward for mage tower because I enjoyed it in legion and did almost all challenges, mostly at the beginning with low gear. It was challenging back then and enjoyable. Now it is not, it’s just broken and overtuned.
There is difference between challenging and overtuned.

One example:
MM hunter challenge, back then with nighthold gear the very first day, I could reach last phase with the caster boss at less than 30% hp.
Now, by last phase I can’t even take him to 60% WITH BL
It is insanely overtuned. Mainly the HP numbers, and the passive unavoidable damage. (we had healing legendaries back then, now we have nothing)

It’s not slightly different. It’s very different.

In Legion, you could let the mages get to 3 stacks, then you chastise them and let the stacks drop off.

Now? You can’t let them even get 2 or you’re in danger of wiping. You have to spend a lot of GCDs on dispelling and dispel only takes one stack a time. You barely have time to keep the party up even with low stacks when you have to spend so many GCDS on dispelling to keep the stacks low, much less do damage to the mobs.

The time to kill for them is a lot faster than it was in Legion.

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Yes, but others can cc it to let the buff drop off i think?

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And rightly so. Because that’s content for the masses. Not for some elitists.

Well, it SHOULD be. That’s what I’m saying.

And it won’t make a difference because you can never ‘get better gear’.

Again; that’s fine as far as I’m concerned. Like I said: Better too easy than too hard.

I don’t want difficult. I never asked for difficult.

Agree to disagree.

That’s elitist thinking, if you think that’s how it works.
Rewards have value because of how they look and such. Not because of how you got them.