Mage tower sucks nerf it

Only comes with Legion TW as far as i know.

It’s not doable without purging, priests can dispel as well. The time to kill has been drastically lowered on the mages as a result of what they’ve done. You spent 3 casts of arcane blitz casting DPS abilities in Legion into them and then you chastised and let the stacks drop off.

If you get 3 casts and don’t dispel now, you’re wiping. Even at 2 stacks the next cast can wipe you currently.

This isn’t the gear i did it with and Dom Shards don’t work anyway.
And why would anyone do it without consumables and enchants? Is it “non-casual” to use stuff everyone can get by just going to the auction house? I get that people don’t have time to get legacy gear and that it would suck if it was required, but heirloom gear and no consumables/enchants? If you expect to beat content that is supposed to be challenging without even wanting to spend the mininum effort, i don’t know what to tell you…

I’d tell such a person that they’re right and the game is wrong.
Games are for fun.

I didn’t in Legion, and I completed it.

You say gear shouldn’t matter, but clearly it does. Same for whatever consumeables you’re using. It should’ve been a template and no enchants/consumables allowed.

Currently, I struggled (Even getting 1 shot) on a level 50 of the same classes I completed it on in Legion with the LOWEST gear and can’t seem to get through. So, I decided I won’t touch it any further until it’s resolved either to it becomes true to legion or actually becomes properly tuned. Neither will happen, so…

you clearly don’t know the fights half as well as you think you do if you still can’t complete it. Maybe stop mouthing off on the forums and put some effort into actually playing the fights properly and you won’t feel so embarrassed that you can’t do these challenges

They could have done the same thing as challenge rifts in Diablo 3.

Give you some sort of pre-set gear that isn’t trash, and in the same time isn’t underpowered.

But again, seeing as how many pro players here be saying that it’s not hard and no tuning needed I suppose it will not happen.

I decided to take another look at the offered set for warriors for the completion and decided that it’s just not worth it already. I wasted around 15k gold on pre-set gear and gems and still can’t do it more than 50 - 60% hp on Arms and Fury.

Chest still looks like it has been printed on the t-shirt.

I am dissapointed and my day is ruined ÂŁmeme$

Well that’s the problem the original mage tower was designed around what we had. Not slapped on, 2 expanions later when half the kit isn’t there. Ontop of the wonky scaling.

SV hunter. No eagle fury, the harpoon you needed to hop between enemies is now a talent so that’s some dps loss since you REALLY need that. Caltrops is gone, flame trap is gone, we have 2 bombs if we spec into it, and then you’re using your most powerful skills just to get out of the attack he puts down every minite or so The old mongoose bite is also a talent, but you don’t have enough time to build it up, or have the time booster that the old artifact gave you, or the legendaries which were back then. Many of which granted things like rapid hp regen or massive numbers.

Is it doable?

Probably? Maybe after some tuning. I imagine some classes are doing it no problem. I can get the boss to the last phase but don’t have the numbers to finish the job. But my complaints isn’t that it’s to hard. Its that it’s poorly implemented.

Let’s have a NEW mage tower event Use the same old storylines but work the fights around modern content. Have it every expansion like brawlers guild (rip brawlers guild.)

Priests still have what they had in the mage tower, with the exception of Light of T’uure. It’s the scaling that messes it up for us, because the time to kill for the mages is drastically lowered, making you have to spend GCDs on dispelling rather than DPSing.

What Class/Challenge are you talking about? And were you in heirlooms? I’d honestly like to try that myself later. I could see it being impossible to hit certain dps checks if heirlooms scale bad and you don’t want to use enchants/consumables. But 1-shot sounds like a failed mechanic.

Sorry but I always wanted to do this if you’ll excuse me: ‘‘Git gut’’ :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Actually I don’t see any pro player saying that it’s fine, only trolls posting on classic characters or low level alts.
It will get nerfed because it is much harder that it was when it first came out. At least a -20% nerf will happen.
That said, I think that even with a -30% or -40% nerf, most people will still not be able to do it. :grin:

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I will. Once again I’m not saying some of the encounters don’t deserve additional tuning, I’m saying that there are people who have done it, and when I know it’s possible, I can’t just throw my hands up and walk away because “it’s too hard”. It’s not my kind of mindset and I don’t understand it, and on top of it, nobody here could have got more than 50 attempts in the time it’s been live. I remember taking about 78 on my guardian druid back in Legion. I don’t think of it as a challenge if I can beat it easily, and I don’t think simply being able to complete something makes it “fun”.

Basically, if I can’t get it, I shouldn’t have it.

A different number on stacks and and NPC doing something a bit differently isn’t something I’d call “very different”. If there were different mobs, different mechanics etc., then I’d see your point. Whet you’re describing is slightly different. If something is very different, it can’t be fixed by simply adjusting a few variables.

I’m not saying it shouldn’t be this way. Just that some additional challenging content that also comes with casual content isn’t a bad thing.

I’m also not sure when the definition of elitism change for WoW players. It seems like now everyone who likes a challenge is called an elitist. Why is it ok to demand for thing to be easy, but being happy about being offered challenge is “elitist”?

Why? You’re saying not everything has to be easy, so can’t this particular thing be challenging? Is it because it rewards something you want and you can’t get it because it’s too hard, or do you have an actual, objective reason why the mage tower should be for casuals?

It makes all the difference. With every attempt you get a bit further or learn to do something better. It’s the first time you can’t beat something by simply outgearing it.

So? You have plenty easy stuff to do. Difficult content is scarce in this game, but plenty enjoy it. The game isn’t designed around what you want.

No it’s not. Things that are rare have more value, that’s nothing to do with elitist thinking. Owning a rare mount isn’t elitist either.

For you. I don’t find any value in something I can get for free or without effort. I’m not proud of owning the transmog I’m wearing, because all it took was going into an old raid instance, oneshotting the bosses and looting the gear. Sure, it’s looks cool and I like it, but it doesn’t hold any significant value in my eyes. If I had it back in TBC while the raid was relevant, then it would have value. But I wasn’t a raider back in the day so I got it years later, and now everyone can get it. There is nothing special it anymore.

Yes, that’s what I meant. I could have been more specific.

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I totally agree.

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It changes the whole approach to it. It’s very different.

In Legion you let them get to 3 stacks while DPSing them and then used chastise to let it fall off.

Now? You have to spend GCDs on dispelling them, making it take a lot longer to kill them and they still hit like trucks even with no stacks now, 1 stack hurts a lot, even 2 stacks is capable of wiping you now. You have to heal more while having to spend time on something you never had to do in Legion, while the mob lives longer due to you not being able to DPS as you did in Legion.

As they are now, you will have more chances at killing mythic sylvanas with random pugs than completing most of the mage towers :grin: Yes some people did them, but they are not even the top 1%, they are the top 0,1%
I know the fights inside out, and the mechanics are no problem, it’s just that passive unavoidable damage kills me because no healing anymore from legendaries or soulbinds, and stuff just never dies because too much hp (or too low dps because again, no legendaries no artifacts no covenants no soulbinds)

I still don’t see what the big deal is… you can’t do it the exact same way, therefore it’s not good? And I also still don’t see how it’s “very different” just because it requires a different approach. That’s like complaining that an entire race track is “very different” after one turn was changed, because now you have to approach that section a bit differently. It’s still the same track, with just one turn changed.

Approach to raid bosses changes all the time with mid-tier tuning and gear difference, but now that one thing isn’t exactly the same after 4 years, you’re losing your mind about it.

Maybe you should have done it as a holy priest in Legion and tried doing it now then. They’re overtuned as hell. This is going to be changed. You don’t have time to actually do any dps on them, they just spam casts on you and you can’t do anything but keep spamming dispel and heals. If the allies decide to go for any other mob than the mage, you’re as good as dead.

Ah I forgot. You just ‘don’t get’ anything that disagrees with your view and everything blizzard does is basically fine. Carry on as you were.

And once again, I’m not saying the encounters aren’t overtuned. I’m saying that it’s silly to complain that it’s not the exact same thing as in Legion (which was a very naive thing to believe in the first place) and giving up because you might have to think of a different approach. What if they nerf it in a way that will still need a different approach? Why did you expect you wouldn’t need a different approach in the first place? To me it makes all the possible sense that I’ll have to do things a bit differently that I did in Legion.

Doubt. They might be overtuned but you’re not pugging mythic Sylvanas anytime soon.