Mage tower sucks nerf it

I wasn’t going to do it this week, sort of predicted the fall out that has happened. but I am intrigued now. I might take my old aching hands back to the Mage Tower and see what the fuss is about.

EDIT - after half a dozen goes… that is a big nope from me. Frostbolt doing 1.3k damage which is 25% of my HP. Yes I have several interrupts but I have to be in range to use them. Died getting back to him after double jumping from Comet Storm/Razor Ice. I’m obviously not ‘l33t’ enough for this right now.

The only way they can nerf it is by either reducing their damage output or making them have less hp. Both of these lead to the Legion approach, where you don’t dispel.

To some maybe.
But for others the track is still there yet you are expecting them to do the work with wheels missing, and others are trying to do it on a segway.

Also just saw one of the tactics SV had was hotfixed because it wasn’t intended.

Then agree to disagree.

I think it is.

Well, if you think that it’s okay for content like this to not be obtainable for everyone; yeah, that makes you an elitist.

Because if it’s easy, EVERYONE will get it. That’s social.
Whilst the second thing is not; it’s egocentric.

No. I’m not even doing this thing; easy or not. I hate the armor it rewards.

Because it’s timewalking: A return to past content. It’s meant to be fun and not hard.
It’s meant to be a revisit to content we haven’t seen in a while.

And that sucks. I don’t want that, honestly. I would hate it if WoW turned into that kind of game.

Actually… I really don’t.
That’s been one of the major problems with Shadowlands.

Not scarce enough, afaiac.

No, indeed. But it SHOULDN’T be designed around what a small percentage wants. Which has been the case for years when it comes to endgame content. It’s time this ends. And this type of thing happening is only more spitting in the face of the casual playerbase.

Yeah it does. Because it’s a game. It’s not rare. It’s a bunch of pixels that anyone SHOULD be able to get in a non-obsessive way.

Owning it no. Thinking you’re better/cooler/special because you own it, however, IS.

Fair enough. That’s your problem then. You have an elitist mindset.

I’m not proud of ANYTHING I have in this game. Because being proud of stuff you do in a game is frankly the dumbest thing ever. It’s a waste of time that you do for fun.

That’s all the value it needs; looking cool (and yes: that’s subjective. So nothing aesthetic has any TRUE inherent value in this game: It’s all up to the player themself).

There is nothing special about ANYTHING in this game.

My point is that changing a few things that fundamentally don’t alter how the encounter itself works, let alone only affect one part of it, doesn’t make it “very different”. Different for sure, but it’s still essentially the same fight that might, due to the changes, need a slightly altered strategy.

Going from letting it go 3 stacks, DPSing it while it’s getting 3 stacks and then chastise to… Spamming dispel and heals and barely being able to keep up, isn’t slightly altered strategy. It’s wildly different. You can only pray the allies will attack the mage or you’re wiping.

I thought about re-subbing for mage tower as I enjoyed it in legion, decided i would wait a day or 2 to see the general populations response to mage tower expecting it to be a giant middle finger to 99% of the playerbase…Surprise surprise that it yet another spit in the face to the players…Dw guys i’m sure it will be ‘nerfed’ when event ends letting you test what they broke by doing so in 6 months.

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Just tried it as a resto druid.

Yeeeeeeep, it’s overtuned as hell as priest.

The mages only becomes a problem at 4-5 stacks as a resto druid that can wipe you if it goes off, unlike 2 stacks as a holy priest. The casts without stacks barely tickles as a resto druid and 1 stack isn’t even a problem and 2 stacks does a decent amount of damage but nowhere close to the same damage as 2 stacks on priest.

Honestly, if you enjoyed it then try it now. It’s probably a bit harder than in legion but not by much. I’ve had a whirl on my pala with non optimised gear and it feels do-able.

People here are just squealing because they want stuff on a platter.

i’d rather take that £10 and buy a decent burger than log into wow.


Just did guardian challenge, took around 35 tries, and it was as annoying and hard as i remember back in Legion on release. The fight goes slightly differently due to lack of legendaries, but it was still quite fun. Didnt test other fights yet, so not sure if they are overtuned or not.

Did u hear that blizzard, ur game is so bad, so animals has to die because of it.
kinda sad if you think of it.

Uhh, what?

I resubbed to unlock Felbear, I still have my dusty gear from last season.

I’m an excellent player so I’m not worried, even with horrible gear it won’t be a problem for one as skilled as me.

Expecially because your gear is irrelevant, since everyone gets scaled down to 50 :grin:

3 challenges out of 36 done for me. Feels good that it’s not a faceroll and actually takes some tries and getting good.

Kinda feels like it’s tuned for the kind of people that do mythic raiding and enjoy doing a few hundred pulls on a boss before they beat it, as long as they’re good enough.

In Legion you could make it easier by getting better gear, and you also had buffs and legendaries that helped you, like eating bear tartare to get a 70% speedboost whenever you killed an add. But now there’s not much you can do, it’s just grind until you reach perfection and win.

It’s fine if it isn’t doable for casuals, and it should be hard for the average player, but this is just overtuned.


Another fiasco from blizzard excellent hopefully the elitist run their mouth for it not to be nerfed and so the player base keep being angry and unsubbing/switching games* shakes hands* ha ha ha ha ha ha

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Does a stupid amount of damage on kruul, deals like 15-20% or something of variss hp per use. I’m going to beat it eventually, my problem with kruul currently is that I mess up phase 2 and kill the NPC when I try to get the mobs away from me.

My mistake, I thought it would be proportional scaling, so 250ilvl would be higher than 220ilvl once scaled down.

Still, if it is as hard as they say I will get tons practice in tonight while it’s hard, then if they nerf it I’ll be super easy for me.