Mage tower sucks nerf it

I do get the impression it’s currently overtuned.

I will probably have to give it a go at some point.

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It doesn’t matter if the encounter is the same.
It matters on the tools we have to handle the encounter.
You can open a can of beans with a screwdriver, or a pair of toenail clippers.
Doesn’t mean it’s designed to be done that way.

If you’re losing a good chunk of your kit, or functionality because the game slapped the tin-opener out of your hand doesn’t mean it’s good design.

Sv hunter strat, got hot fixed because people were doing it in a way blizz didn’t like. Then the only way to really do it, isn’t finding a new strategy, because there IS no other strategies to take, outside of farming obscure trinkets and neck pieces for more gem slots. Because half my moves that I had, and half my kit that I have now. Is gone. You can’t choose to heal a different time, or use a different skill. Because it’s not there.
There is no NEW stratergies to take. Outside of waiting for next patch for possible weird new trinket effects.

I do think it’s doable. And I’ll probably try again later on tonight. But if there’s any SV out there who has managed to do this who have any hints lemme know.


WW monk, so the worm and all.

Yes, ilvl 55? or 58 heirlooms. One of the two, I don’t feel like logging in.

In a way yes, my interrupt hadn’t come off CD yet. Previously in Legion you could survive it, so that’s what I intended to do. Not the case currently.

Even afterwards (No failed mechanics) I’m having to spam self heal a lot

You know exactly on what post i responded and what i meant…

Actually some lower gear scales higher, also gems and enchants make a massive difference. Hence the Chromie time set nonsense.

The craftable legion legendary with three sockets etc are very good as well.

However, I remember the day I did it on my DK in legion, fresh level 60, sub 2 days played time in mostly HC dungeon gear being able to one shot Imp Mother (unholy). I walk in now and I cant even get it down past 70%. Go try the Frost one (Xylem) and get one shot by comet storm before I could even get out.

Tuning feels so off that it’s honestly rage inducing.

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Why? You said it yourself that not everything in the game has to be easy. You already agreed with me that challenging content isn’t inherently bad.

Most things aren’t obtainable for everyone. I couldn’t get a PhD in maths because I suck at maths. I couldn’t get world first because I’m not good and determined enough.

Unless you think absolutely everything in a game should be easily obtainable by absolutely everyone, then you’re an elitist as well, by your own definition.

What if an 8 year old child doesn’t understand how to get to the finish line in a racing game before the AI cars do? Is the AI elitist? Is the game designer elitist because the child couldn’t finish first place?

Or are you drawing an arbitrary line based on your own feelings about things you aren’t able to get for whatever reason?

And what do you mean by “content like this”? Not long ago you said there should be something for everyone. You didn’t want to remove mythic raiding, you didn’t want to remove mythic+, you were open to make the game fun for everybody. What changed? Why is this suddenly wrong? Just because you can’t get it but someone else can?

Everyone will get the reward but not everyone will be satisfied with the content. You “fixed” one issue at the cost of creating another, but you don’t care as long as you get your stuff.

Demanding to get a reward from something you can’t handle is egocentric. Accepting that one’s not skilled or good enough to handle some content is not.

I accept that I’ll never be able to get world first, because I’m not good enough, even tho I’d love the feeling, and I have huge respect for those who put the effort in.

You see? One selfishly demands handouts at the cost of the enjoyment of others, while the other requires swallowing one’s own pride and accepting their limits, and respecting others.

And you got that from… where exactly? You take your own personal opinion and present it as gospel. Legion timewalking bring the exact same things as any other timewalking, except this one offers a bit more.

Person A enjoys regular timewalking, person B doesn’t. Now that we get something else as part of timewalking, you’re complaining that person B also got something to enjoy this time. But you’d rather that person A gets two things to enjoy and player B gets nothing, because you’re player and you don’t give a damn about anyone but yourself.

You would. Thousands of others wouldn’t. Thought about that? Of course you didn’t. It doesn’t involve you so it’s automatically bad.

The game isn’t turning into that. It has one thing among thousands of other things that either can be outgeared, or don’t require gear at all. It’s like you have an entire playground for yourself with seven sandboxes, but throw a tantrum because you can’t get into the one sandbox in the neighbour’s back yard.

Everyone is content starved, not just you. We got something new and you happen to not like it. Get over it. Do you think everyone else enjoys the same things you enjoy?

I know you’re just trying to get a reaction out of me, but you’re show the exact same behaviour that you’re complaining about being “elitist” except in reverse.

You’d rather the game was all for you, with complete disregard for anyone else, because you personally believe your own way to be superior. That’s the definition of elitism.

Good thing it’s not, and the evidence is clear on that. The game is still dominated by casual players and it’s not even close. You’re one of those people who don’t what the game offers them, but somehow assume that the grass is greener on the other side. That small percentage you’re talking about is being ignored left and right and constantly have their gameplay hindered by crappy systems that hurt everybody, not just them.

Assuming “non-obsessive” in your mind means effortless.

You’re assuming that’s what generally drives people. To feel superior to others. It’s not. Ever heard of personal accomplishment? Self-fulfilment? Overcoming a challenge feels good to people. Whether it’s being determined and farming a mount for years, or beating a mechanically demanding and difficult challenge. Succeeding in these generally makes people feel happy, not superior. Sure, there is a minority that will brag about their accomplishments and belittle other for not having it. There’s the bad part, and unfortunately the only part you’re willing to see. Your personal biases and baseless convictions makes you completely blind to how people around you see things.

And maybe some people want to get something out of that “wasted” time while having fun doing it. But then again, you are only capable of accepting what you believe. Everything else is stupid.

Colour me shocked. You understand that different people find different things good looking? You’re closer than I thought to understanding that different people enjoy different things, and that different people can enjoy the same thing in different ways, and that all of those ways are legitimate.

Why are you playing it then? Go play any other game then. There’s nothing special about this game so why waste your time on it?


Seems to be the one with the most issues. Generally over tuned. Frostbolt 25% HP, Comet Storm does 70%+ HP before you can get out. The Boss has lot of HP, was at over 95% after unloaded full Meta, trinkets, pots the my whole arsenal.

I believe a few Havoc DHs have done it and they have my admiration but looking at their armoury, they are mainly 10/10Mythic well over 2K M+ or PvP.

This for the moment is ‘not for normies’

Havoc was very hard in legion too :slight_smile: this guides prove that its more then doable

I’m really hoping it’s doable without having to farm old gear.

If there isn’t a nerf by the end of the weekend and I haven’t come close to completing it, I’ll probably start farming old gear.

if any of u tried it, does any one have a working DBM or WA or any thing for it?. i tried to google it, but could not find any for mage tower. if im first gonna give it a seriouse try i need timers atleast. cba without

I guess some guys need to cheat the fights, just do it without addons.

id be happy to see u do tugar as bm without timers, start streaming

I don’t even use dbm or weakauras, i’m old school doing stuff without that.

stream then, lets see how pro u are

Just saying i don’t even got that addons.

Yeah, but shows my point. Bloke with almost all 252 gear and all consumables. A mythic raider. Also he has 10% more HP than me (6732 to 6.1K) funky scaling? With all that knowledge of hard fights it still took 2-3 hours and had 5-10 seconds margin.

Wasn’t a boost?

The group is full of russians and the others, who had names in English (5 of them + you actually!) who did (like you) around 1.5k dps across the fights losing to tanks. And you did a fullclear all in one run, first time you’ve ever been to the bosses? I can certainly tell you your mates weren’t boosting, they were being boosted right along with you. :clown_face:

Let’s hope they are quick with those nerfs.

  • MT are overtuned
  • It only last 2 weeks before going on a 4 months vacation
  • It would be better off if also casual players could beat it not to easy and not to hard.
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It is more challenging than I thought. Did the frost mage one, haven’t tried the others yet. But I don’t think this is a bad thing, some challenge is welcome in this game. And apparently everyone scales so gear doesn’t really matter too much here (you can optimize but still).

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