Mage tower sucks nerf it

Yes what matters is Skills which makes IT incredibly good :slight_smile:

If people wanted nerfed version from end of 7.3 they shoudl have asked for IT instead they want chalenging content and saying how they enjoy chalenges :slight_smile:

Let us know how you fare, I hear that Guardian is pretty much impossible, unless you cheese it with TW gear with sockets, legacy enchants and consumables.

But that’s the whole point of the challenge, you’re not supposed to do it on the first try. You will progress further and further untill you’ve completed it. I can’t even recall how many tries I needed on my DH, but it was more than 70 for sure (back in Legion that is).

Never expected to, I’ll have a proper sit down and have a look at some guides. Need to find out why my HP was 10% less than the video, that is a massive hinderance. I’ve no problem in putting time into it (I did the challenge on several classes in Legion - some earlyish on) , none at all, just feels a bit over turned currently with seemingly only high(ish) end players managing it.

True. But there’s a limit to HOW challenging. I think the mage tower is breaking that limit.

Not easily. No.
With an acceptable difficulty.
Which to be clear: I do not think this (meaning the Mage Tower) is.

Timewalking content.

No. Like I said previously: I don’t care about the MT’s rewards at all.
And there will ALWAYS be people who aren’t happy with something. The thing I’m concerned about is that ‘the unhappy people’ in this case is the majority of the playerbase.
Blizzard should stop making a small percentage of the playerbase happy at the cost of the vast majority, MOST OF THE TIME - not saying it should never happen, but definitely not as much as it is/has been.

Logic? Look at all the timewalking they’ve released.

Except it doesn’t. Only for ‘some’ players.

Because it’s not 1 player vs 1 player. It’s a million players vs 20,000 (yeah numbers are pulled out of my butt, but it gets the point across). The needs of 20,000 are NOT worth the same as the needs of the million.

I’m 100% certain this game has more players who’d hate that, than those who like it.
So again; the needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few.

Except that’s not what’s happening. Let’s use your playground/sandbox example.
There are indeed 7 sandboxes! Cool. Except I don’t like 5 of those. And I only play in 2.
And in one of those 2 I’ve been forced to play in a tiny corner of the sandbox for over a year.

THAT is much more accurate to what’s happening.

I’ve been content starved from the start (well, technically from 2 months after launch and on). A lot of other types of players have NOT.

I can turn that right around.

No. I wish the game was A LITTLE BIT MORE for me.
Not these ‘moldy scraps’ I’ve been getting.

Except it is.

Yeah, but the endgame is STILL catered to small percentage type players instead of casual players. STILL. After 17 years, it STILL is.

Yeah, but they GET THE CONTENT.
Even though they have to jump through hoops to do that content.
I WISH I could jump through hoops to do content! I really do.

Is that what I said? No? Then don’t assume.

That’s exactly what drives elitists. And that’s what I was talking about.

In a game? No.
It’s superficial and silly.

You can stop acting cute with the veiled insults.
I understand all that stuff perfectly. YOU are the one who is unable to see it from MY point of view. So let’s discuss THAT.

For fun.

Taking what I said and twisting it around. I was clearly talking about rewards - context matters.

I saw something about old leggos and heart of azeroth being good for more stats? Not sure if its a thing or not, but maybe thats why?

Eh, I’ve gotten Kruul to 16% on my best try but I killed the NPC accidentally. I use the mechagon trinket though, it blasts pretty hard for those 2 seconds it blasts.

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Possibly, as I said I need to have a look at it all.

You are forgetting that, when it was current the scaling was first of all different, and it was balanced around the powers of the artifact weapons, and the legendaries at play plus other abilities we might have lost since as well. PLUS We had half the expansion to complete it… now we have 2 weeks.

Now our legendaries are disabled, gems and enchants (unless legacy) is squashed, trinkets too and our covenant abilities disabled. As we are all balanced around our conduits and covenants + leggos, it creates an imbalance between classes, as some relies VERY heavy on their borrowed powers more than others.
So while it is challenging but doable for some, it is completely impossible for a lot of others, even if they go farm for legacy gear etc.

As I said earlier - its fine that it is a challenge. But it should be enough that we go in our SL gear, use our SL consumables and have our legendaries and covenant abilities.

kek, nice level 41 demon hunter noob

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It’s funny that they opened the MT at PTR looking for feedbacks yet they keep ignoring it and they just buff things out of their asses.

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It is possible without any TW gear, legacy things and such, but it is hard.

“more than doable”

Yeah, a 10/10M raider needed 3 hours of attempts with optimized gear/consumables and only beat the DPS check with a few seconds left.


MM hunter challenge, did it 4 years ago with undergeared character on first day, took less than 5 attempts.
Now, best attempt was like 40% and it lasted already more than when I killed it in legion.
It is overtuned, stop defending this crap.


Nice counterarguments. Let me quote you back to you

you sound like your fingers and sixth spot is on fire right now from the reality being thrown your way, big boy.


People also used to complain that torghast was too hard :cowboy_hat_face:

What bothers me the most is that, despite doable (got a 5 and a 4% wipe on krull), I’m stuck playing an half class missing most of the power i’ve invested in this expansion, I’ve payed for those 262 legendaries, I’ve farmed for that renown and for those 252 conduits and yet its all disabled. I’ve played through Legion and got my mage towers done on all tanks, most during Tomb of Sargeras when this was released, yet I can’t use any of the legendaries or the artifact talent tree that I used back in Legion.

But guess what? Let me buy a few tokens so I can buy overpriced mists of pandaria crafted gear and stack some overpriced gems on it, that I can do.

Deep pockets work, playing through the content over the expansions not so much. Amazing logic.


Thanks, I am already tired of seeing your IRL photo. Stop sending it here please.
Nice makeup though.

Torghast is available 24/7 unlike Mage Tower

got tuga down to 5% hp. but that random fk totem, i refuse to try more before i get my hand on some timers. fk that shait. i hate the totem

Some ppl say they use DBM for timers, but i got dbm, it dosnt work in mage towers, duno maybe i lack a package or what ever, but my dbm dosnt show any thing at all, nor does it activate any sounds. cba