Mage tower sucks nerf it

So, you’re ok with Blizzard releasing well advertised and hyped up content aimed at the 3% of the player base.


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Blizzard didn’t advertise it other than the release notes. The community itself did that because they loved it because it was epic and hard. And now it’s epic and hard and everybody is angry at Blizzard for false advertising….

Seriously you guys…

You’d know about makeup wouldn’t you? Putting on the clown one every day :clown_face:

Agree with the OP. This Mage tower is complete nonsense, it has really nothing to do about skill or learning tactics, it has some serious number tweaks and tuning and what really gets me down was the 6 minutes enrage timer on Sygrid boss fight…

The current version seems to be overtuned, true. But once it’s tuned properly, I don’t think it’s breaking any limit. The equality of opportunity is there. Equality of outcome can’t be guaranteed.

Read above.

All we had so far in timewalking were regular dungeons. We recently got LFR difficulty raids as well, which I assume we will keep getting in the future for the expansions that don’t yet have it. We still have all that, except now we get some challenging on top as well. Some won’t like it, but aside from the tuning, most seem to like it. Regular timewalking is not for everyone, the mage tower and M+ is not for everyone.

How did you come to that? They are unhappy about the overtuning, which seems to actually be the case. I doubt many will be unhappy with the MT when it’s properly tuned, but still challenging.

When’s the last time something was done for a small percentage of the playerbase?

So your subjective feelings and opinions are now not only gospel, but also logic. Next time you’ll announce you’ve created the universe?

One of the most popular piece of content in the history of the game is only offering something to “some” players. Right.

Apparently I need to elaborate. Player A and player B don’t refer to individual players, they refer to a group of players who enjoy similar kind of content. And now you’re basically saying that the 20 000 shouldn’t get anything new and the 1 000 000 should get everything on top everything they already have. Nevermind that you completely randomly decided that the MT is can only be enjoyed by 2% of the playerbase, which means you’re indirectly suggest that only 98% of the playerbase doesn’t want challenging content, which is a very bold claim considering that way more than 2% of the players do raid and M+.

More people wouldn’t like something they don’t have to do, the rest would enjoy having the option of doing it. Yeah, it would be totally horrible to put something optional into the game if no more than 51% of the players would actively engage in it.

Maybe you’re in the wrong playground then? When you don’t like the majority of the game, and only part you enjoy require something you don’t enjoy, maybe you shouldn’t be playing this game. Just saying.

You keep telling yourself that. You are the real victim here and the rest is happy. Just keep believing that the grass is greener on the other side.

No you can’t because I’ve told you countless times that not everything is for everyone. I don’t like regular timewalking, you don’t like mage tower. I don’t like world content, you don’t like raiding.

So stop accusing me of believing something I don’t. I’ve never believed in taking things away from players, because plenty enjoy what I don’t, and I don’t enjoy what plenty do. You want to keep taking away for your own sake, because you can’t wrap your head around the possibility that maybe you aren’t always part of the majority with your opinions, and maybe not as many think as you do.

Another victim card. You keep telling yourself that others are having the time of their life while you’re getting scraps. Keep downplaying the complaints coming from the other side and exaggerating your own.

Give me an example that shows how the game is designed for a small percentage of the playerbase, and how they are being listened to. Come on.

If that’s how you feel, you were never the target audience, and if it were true, the game would have never got so popular. If you feel like it’s been like this from the start, it might be intended, and just maybe, the rest don’t share your feelings. I don’t know what else to tell you.

Are you talking about raids? Dungeons? We’ve been getting those from the beginning. Except we’ve also been getting new zones, new questlines, new stuff to farm. I really don’t know what you’re expecting to get, or how amazing you think the content “they” get is. Nothing points to any “minority” being catered to, nor are they being listened to, because nobody is being listened to.

I can see that world content is in a terrible state, but the dungeons and raids aren’t in a great way either.

You wanted it to be “fairly easy” for the most casual players. That sounds quite effortless to me, because if the most casual players have an easy time in something, it necessarily follows that it’s easy for the rest, what is what “effortless” means.

You don’t have to explicitly put everything to words to express what you really want.

Correct, it’s what drives elitists. Elitists people exist, also correct. However you like to use “elitist” as a blanket term for everyone who enjoys challenging content, hence why you’re saying that MT is designed for elitists, and that “there is plenty of elitist crap in this game already”. You view challenge as something inherently elitist that shouldn’t exist in the game.

Ok grandpa.

Plenty of things are “superficial”. Practicing a musical instrument is superficial. Writing fantasy is superficial. Competitive sport is superficial. Don’t even get me started on juggling. But video games get a special treatment for some reason. Wanting to be good at literally anything is fine, unless it’s a video game. That one is wrong and silly. Better go practice juggling to not be insulted be judgmental idiots on the internet.

I am seeing it just fine. But you will never see me advocating for taking things away from people just because I think there’s more who don’t like it as much.

I am discussing it, and I am getting your point of view. You are notorious on the forum for wanting to take away things you don’t like, and changing existing things, just so you can get more for yourself and less for others, while you hide behind your “but the majority” facade that is based on nothing more than your personal feelings and biases. You don’t want more for the majority, you want more for yourself, because you can’t accept that not everyone thinks like you do. You can say you “understand” all you want, but everyone sane can see the selfishness that drives you.

So you’re playing a game, that has always catered to a minority you aren’t a part of for 17 years, that doesn’t give you enough content, that costs a monthly subscription, that made for elitists… for fun?

Why would you pay for a game that’s so superficial and silly?


It’s funny how many of the people calling it ‘easy’ and people should ‘get better’ and ‘WoW needs more hard content’ haven’t done it, and they can’t show anyone doing it in Heirlooms with no enchants/consumables.

It’s funny they ignore people that did it in Legion just fine, even early on… Even people that had no raid or M+ gear like myself when I did it.


Wait, are ppl rly crying cause they can’t get their x-mog for the next asmongold look content or am i missing smt? Like does new mage tower give gear, special new trinket, weapons or smt? Cause if you guys cry about a prestigious x-mog while the game has other (more srs) problem then you rly need to take a break…

Should it be doable with heirlooms, no enchants and no consumes? :slight_smile:

Yes, it’s supposedly ‘scaled’ content. Everything is supposedly scaled down to ilvl 50 to be ‘fair’ but that’s not the case as it is so far. Not every piece of gear scales properly. Should’ve been templates for gear/stats and all, including trinkets, and have the NPC give you consumables if they want to figure that into the equation.

They mess up scaling every single time, it needed to be balanced around templates.

Yes, this. It’s pretty difficult and I’ve noticed the healer challenge is turned differently for each spec, EG: took me 2 tries to get as far with druid as shaman and while the difference is understandable, the difference in difficulty is just far too large.

It’s fun though.

Pity Blizzard has absolutely no idea what they’re doing. Laughable really.

But all the gear does scale correctly. And everyone can buy consumables like flasks, drums etc from the auction house. I really dont see the issue.

Edit: Hell even old legendaries and effects are disabled outside of trinkets.

It gives a pretty good looking bear form for druids but I have no complaints about that fight except I don’t like dying when stuff shouldn’t kill me. Like being hit for 75 when I have like 400 hp left and dying, even being over killed by that hit, by an amount of 50.

The priest one however is overtuned as hell compared to legion. I didn’t expect them to completely change the fights like they did to priest one.

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No it doesn’t, which is why everyone posting videos and all are not using something like Heirloom gear.

You should see some of the prices since this is a timewalking week event only, so not really. Price gouging is real. Plus no, not everyone has the kind of gold for such thing.

Consumeables should be kept for raiding, not for timewalking content that’s supposed to be ‘scaled’.


The only difference compared to “heirloom gear” is gem slots I think? Anyway I did the hunter one without issue in couple tries using my current PvE gear from 9.1 with barely any sockets. Im sure if you try harder you can also do it!

This is just your opinion. This is MMORPG you can use consumables pretty much anywhere outside of rated PvP. Why would they limit them just because you dont like them?

Gem slots, stat allocation, and anything else weird going on behind in the scenes in their scaling.

People are already reporting dying from 75 dmg when they had 400 health left. You don’t know much about how scaling shows one set of numbers to you but the game is actually doing different numbers.

Because it’s a time-limited event and price gouging will be present, giving the people who don’t have the money not enough time to really farm for everything. Two, I didn’t need any of that when I did it in Legion so it’s not staying true to Legion.

I needed consumables when I did it undergeared in the first week it was out, so that is outright a lie.

You can buy a flask for what 500g? stack of food for like 150g and drums for like 500g? Hardly that much money needed.

I didn’t for my main, and for alts I could afford to wait since it was available all expansion.

Not on my server atm lmao I was looking at prices for such things, real high. Enchants and stuff are even worse.

Well i just tried feltotem even after watching a guide which was uploaded a month ago and its just not possible for me in its current form.

Edit: Blizz at this point are you like literally going out of you to tick off your remaining playerbase at this point?

That’s not okay, imo.
So, we can just agree to disagree.

That’s not what I’m seeing.

There’s a difference beween ‘not for someone, but they’re ABLE to do it’ and ‘not for someone because they’re not able to do it’.

I’d put forward that that depends on ‘how’ challenging that turns out to be.
But yes… And that’s what I’ve been advocating. Proper tuning.
So why are you making such a fuzz over every single thing I say?

Every. Single. Raid.
Mythic only dungeon in 9.1.

Stop acting like that. Timewalking is NOT top-end content. Never has been.

This is not THAT.
The challenge is WAY different. People are complaining about changes.
The rewards suck.

This is NOT that piece of content.

Besides; a LARGE part of why the tower was popular was because of the artifacts appearances. Not the challenge. The challenge was the obstacle.
I hated the tower. I wanted the reward. So I did it. And hated it.

‘Doing’ the content does not mean ‘liking’ the content.
So your ‘popular’ claim is iffy at best.

No. I’ve already addressed that in a previous reply. Stop claiming I’m saying things that I didn’t.

Sigh. Stop. It.
I’m NOT. AND you are AGAIN ripping everything out of context.

Again, not what I was saying AT ALL.
It’s getting irritating. Stop claiming I say stuff I never said.
This reply was about ALL OF THE GAME BEING SO THAT YOU COULD NEVER ‘OVER-GEAR’ CONTENT (which would be a horrible idea). So stop making it about something else.

Nope. Because the ‘playground’ was fine for many years until this expansion came along.

I will because it’s the truth.

There IS NO ‘REGULAR’ TIMEWALKING! There is timewalking. Period.

AGAIN claiming I’m saying things which I am NOT.

Raids. Still a niche activity. It’s NOT for the masses, the only reason it has a fair attendance % is because of LFR. If not for that mode, it’s still a niche activity for a minority.

An example of the (elitist) minority being listened to: Removal of Titanforging.

I’m still talking about ‘endgame content’.
And yeah casual endgame content has been lacking.

That wasn’t even what that reply was about. It was about you misinterpreting my use of the term ‘non-obsessive’.

I do not. You saying I do means nothing. You have no clue about me, which all the above wrong interpretations about things I said, proves.



So? That’s not the point I was making.

‘sir why did you shoot that man?’
‘plenty of people get shot every day.’

… Stop being so damned obtuse.

No. You really aren’t.

Oh really? You didn’t advocate for removing titanforging? Interesting.

A blatant lie and slander to boot.
The MT being TUNED is NOT taking anything away. It’s fixing something that is BROKEN.

I’m done talking to you. You’re spreading lies about me.

Get lost.

Don’t let him annoy you. He’s in an elitist guild with toxic players that abuse people in dungeons and raids and only value anyone based on what they do on the damage meter. If him and his guild have no problem with the scaling of the mechanics, then there is no problem with the scaling. Nobody else in the game matters.