Mage tower sucks nerf it

MT has done a pretty good job of bringing the ‘git gud’ elitist crowd out of the woodworks with yet another excuse to look down on the people that make their game possible. xD


But no, I ve seen you in the mornings, son.

Haven’t tried it yet, but if the tuning is so tight, the fact that it’s up only one week every 3-4 months is obnoxious.


This so so much

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Now I did it - with the help of the NPCs who did the last % after my death :grinning:

There’s no point unless you want to get really stressed out. The mobs in the holy priest/resto shaman challenge hit like trucks compared to resto druid version of it because shamans and priests can dispel the buff, but it’s just not possible to keep dispelling it unless you want to rely on RNG of the allies to attack the mage rather than the other mob. Which will wipe you in 50% of the cases.

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Whenever i see someone bring up the ‘skill issue argument’ … I just think …if echo and limit can clear the mythic raid in mostly heroic gear why even have mythic gear in the game… if you cant clear the raid in heroic gear then frankly its a skill issue aswell isnt it?

The whole point of having a gear progresssion system is for people to compensate their lack of skill with better gear to eventually overcoming the challenge…

this iteration of mage tower has just completely forgotten about that


I did all three on my monk back in Legion and the WW was so easy peasy back then even in WQ gear, but this reiteration is brutal. The second I miss one Leg Sweep on the big Worm I am insta dead. The 7 minutes prior of killing the dude are an annoying extra, sometimes I get distracted, because it’s so boring and I get one-shot. I’m at around 100 tries now. The stress is not worth a measly recolour. I will still keep trying, though, but this is really quite insane. I think the main issue is that we don’t have any of the artefact skills we had back then. I don’t even wanna think of MW without my slow transference… jeez.

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I havent done it, didnt mannage to do it early legion like so many others here claim to have done. Its very likley i wont be able to do this version of it but i dont mind that. Im very much in the opinion that some harder content should be in the game.

Ive seen the specc i mainly play mannage this challenge at the current settings so me failing it is on me alone and im fine with that.

My one and only problem with this is the limited time one can do this on and it being tied with TW that has a large rotation. In legion it was one week every 3 weeks? or something like that.

What I find remarkably funny, btw, is that apparently anyone doing it in Legion was “cheesing it”, but those farming legacy gear to make it easier aren’t? :smiley:


if they gonna bring artifact weapon effect and leggo effects ye it can makeable

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I think that’s good. For a regularly returning content, there should be a challenge every time. For the next time you can farm BIS TW gear, so you have that as well. It won’t help much, but it can give you some extra percent.


This needs to stop. Only the current expansions gear should be relevant.


But you can complete it in current expansion gear as well.

I just did the mage challenges in my usual raid gear.

You can probably complete it naked if you play it perfectly, doesn’t make it particularly enjoyable.

I doubt that. Also challenge makes it enjoyable at least for me. Facerolling content is boring.

This isn’t a challenge.

It’s just stressful because you have no room for mistakes or not being quick enough compared to in Legion, because they buffed the mobs to heaven and beyond.

I mean you can recover from some errors. Not from all tho, but failing a critical or well-telegraphed mechanic is kinda… bad.

Go do the holy priest challenge and tell me it’s not badly done. As a resto druid, you can let the mobs get to 4 stacks. In Legion you could let them get 3 before you had to chastise them as a holy priest.

Now? You can’t even let them have 2 and have to dispel them and if the allies decide to go on other mob than the mage, GOOD LUCK.

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I can understand the challenge, because I did it with this very character for the first Werebear skin.

However, now I am hitting Phase 2 and just getting out-damaged within seconds. I’m wiping repeatedly at 17 - 24%, every time, without fail. Sometimes with 3 adds, sometimes with 1 add.

It means it is overtuned. Because I’m just using normal shadowlands gear, there is no need for me to go farm weird-wonky stuff to ‘scum the stat system’ to ‘cheese’ my way to win it, because in the PAST I didn’t have to.

Thus now ‘needing’ to, doesn’t make it ‘good’ or ‘hard’.

It makes it overtuned.