Mage tower weapon transmog

Hi guys i have all the mage tower artifact transmogs unlocked apart from the 10 rbg win one, i was wondering if its still possible to unlock it if i win 10 games in shadowlands ?

I think it is possible to get. You have unlocked the weapon. Go to your legion place where you could change artifact appearance, and see if there is “lock” on top of that missing color.

mage tower skins not work shadowlands

yes it is :slight_smile:

Do not forget you have to put the weapon on while doing RBG’s to unlock appearance (I think, it does work so for the most unlocks)

damn that sux if i have to equip it everytime i’m about to win …

You don’t have to equip it or use it as a transmog. That requirement have been removed in last patch of Legion. All you need is to have base appearance unlocked on that character in your artifact forge.

ah that’s nice ! thanks for the reply

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