Its pretty simple: WL are one of the tankiest classes, because they have a lot of passives and most of them are also insane.
10% Stam bonus, 5% health bonus, an absorb that goes up to 15% of your health, 10%dmg spread over 5 sec, 3 % reduction, 10 % dmg transfer to your demon and a bit of heal by your absorb. + you get the healing if others use their healthstones.
Thats an insane amount of passive tankiness.
Mages dont have that. They have an insane amount of CDs.
The better your group plays the easier is it to predict dmg and therefore the better active defensives become.
Unlikely, because of:
A short CD shield to puffer, with barrier. (I cant remember if it was 25 or 30 secs)
an immunity or 70% Dmg reduction on 4 mins.
60% DR on 2 mins with creater invis.
20%DR on 2 mins with Mirrir images
A 1 minute CD on a health reset (If you know what you are doing its an LoH)
Specspecific Deff: Double Block, Cauterize, Big DR on barrier
they have insane mobility
Sorry but if the group and the mage are good, you never run out of defensives.
It ofc requires way more skill to survive compared to a warlock. But Mages are one of the tankiest classes in the game for predictable dmg. They are allmost immortal in that regard.
That being said, mages lack passive DRs (like many classes) which is why they feel worse for healers as soon lots of random hits come in. But than again, here you have lots of classes that dont have much passive DR either and lack the defensive kit a mage has.
I allready go on a certain amount of vers + get as much as avoidance as I can get.
Problem is, unlike Resto, Shaman DPS (I am ele) cant affort going too much into versa, due to the stat-prios (ergo, losing lots of dmg). I go as much into it as I think I can handle.
Avoidance is sadly fairly limited outside Enchantments
And Armor while being good to have is hardly that good in M+ since most (90%) of all dmg you take is magic dmg anyway
Ele is just sqishy.
I am also not a big fan of argueing we can go versa, when other classes can do that too and have more overall tankyness. (Especially when versa is not one of your best stats)