Make Omen of Clarity not to affect Brutal Slash

I’m mostly talking PvP wise here.

Omen of Clarity makes your next Shred, Thrash or Brutal Slash/Swipe cost no energy. Now, most people who play feral in PvP use Brutal Slash talent that replaces Swipe, costs 25 energy (10 less energy then Swipe) but has 3 charges and 8 sec baseline recharge time. Problem is that realistically I would like to use Omen of Clarity proc on Shred, because Shred costs 40 energy but sometimes there is simply no time to react, so you end up using Omen proc on your lowest energy cost spell, Brutal Slash, but it still consumes one of it’s charges, and that’s just so annoying.

There would be two easy ways to solve this:

  1. Make Omen of Clarity proc not to consume one of Brutal Slash charges
  2. Simply make Omen of Clarity not to affect Brutal Slash, and just to affect Shred and Thrash.

Have a nice day!


cant have good things for feral

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